Marine Killing

I have not yet seen the footage, but think of what the insurgents would have done if they had found an injured U.S. soldier laying on the ground. Or was it a civilian?
for what i have heard there was an injured insurgent inside a mosque, and the marine walked over to him and shot and killed him
not good stuff, but, as the quote from carwood lipton goes "only those who have been in a war have the right to judge the actions of soldiers"
yes the killing of an innocent is bad, but that man was no innocent. he was these to fight the allies. you can only speculate as to why it happened
I saw the clip.
The only reason why I say the Marine shouldn't be sent to jail or anything is because of the nature of the enemy. If the enemy obeys the rules of law, or at least does not fake surrenders, use wounded and dead as booby traps, then he would be guilty.
But in this case, any wounded guy could be a bomb waiting to go off... just waiting for enough Marines to get close enough.
The nature of the enemy counts.
The Iraqi insurgents brought this thing among themselves.
ur texan???? hahas, i should be aginist u and all, since im from mid town... NEW YORK CITY!!!@! GO YANKEES :rambo: :twisted: :P :? :) :D :shock: :evil: ;) :?: :oops: 8) :( :o :lol: :cry: :idea:
Precision said:
ur texan???? hahas, i should be aginist u and all, since im from mid town... NEW YORK CITY!!!@! GO YANKEES :rambo: :twisted: :P :? :) :D :shock: :evil: ;) :?: :oops: 8) :( :o :lol: :cry: :idea:

Stay on topic, Precision. Spamming the forum will result in disciplinary action.

What I saw in that video that some folks seem to be ignoring is that a living insurgent lying on the floor offered his surrender and, wonder of wonders, survived. If these Marines were executing wounded Iraqis in cold blood as you seem to be suggesting, warshark, don't you find it a little odd that he would escape with his life?
could someone give me a detailed report of the video. I have been so damn busy the only news I have been able to get is headline news while I am in the chow hall. I have heard the media reports, but I like to hear things for myself.

Does anyone have a link to the video?

Much appreciated

SGT Doody
It's not wrong to kill the enemy and cheer.. ;)

Because in battle, you may be the one dead and the enemy cheering..

Let's cheer for victory!
They say better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6. I'm pretty sure they cheer when they kill one of our own too.
Before gaining the persepctive I have gained this summer, I would have found this completely horrible, but now, it just pisses me off at the reporter that shot the video. Here's my view on it. We don't know the context that it was in, how did the marine know the guy wasn't covering an IED, if he fell funny, and was lying at an odd angle when they came in on him, I would have been suspious, anyone would have. The guy could have had a pistol under him, there could have been a number of things, on those marines minds, and actually I'm sure there was. I mean these guys have been walking down allies and getting their legs blown out from under them by insurgents in spiderholes on street level. Plus com'on they're infantry, their job is to neturalize the enemy. Besides that's one less for the MP's to have to process, and the medics to have to treat, when they should be treating our wounded soldiers and the ING soldiers. These insurgents are fighting to the death, what do people think that means. I mean these people think it is right and honorable to blow themselves up as long as they kill Americans as they do it!!! Ever heard of Jihad? Yeah it was a horrible act and I'm glad he'll face an Article 32, and maybe a court martial, it's urban warfare, there are going to be screw ups, least this was on an enemy fighter and not a civilan.

I think the guy was following his training, haven't you ever heard the phrase "when in doubt empty your magizne"? Oh did anyone else see the rips and nicks in the kelvar on the guy's helment about 2 min 15 - 30 seconds into the video, with that link? I wish the news that were airing the marine killing video would air the full tape that was at this link, maybe that would clear things up a little in the hearts of the american civilan safe at home. The link thata is under the topic "fallujah video".

I also think the embedded reporters just came back to bite the DOD in the butt!
Personally, I would rather see the Marine concerned face a court martial than watch him be blown up by a wounded suicide bomber. He may have made the wrong call, but having seen the circumstances, I am not about to judge him.
I have yet to see the video, but I cannot sit on the sidelines on this one.

What this comes down to is what kind of war are we fighting in Iraq. Are we fighting a war to free Iraq or a War to destroy the enemy? If we are fighting a war to destroy the enemy, then there is nothing seriously wrong with the shooting. Things like that happened in WWII, and no one really complained.

IF, we are fighting a war to free Iraq, then everything is wrong about that shooting. Once again, I will turn to the USMC Small Wars Manual written in 1940. Since it is a Marine manual, it is definately fitting for this topic.

In former times
the mass of enemy troops, like our own, was visible to and under the
immediate control of its leaders, Now troops are dispersed in battle
and not readily visible, and we must understand the psychology of
the individual, who operates beyond the direct control of his
superiors...The aim is not to develop a belligerent spirit in our men but rather one of caution and steadiness...The motive in small wars is not material destruction. It. is usually a project dealing with the social, economic, and political development of the people. It is of primary importance that the fullest benefit be derived from the psychological aspects of the situation.

Here is a quote from The 1940 Small Wars Manual and the "Lessons of History"

...The Marines could not employ maximum force to obtain their objectives. Instead, they were to use as little violence as possible, avoiding bitterness that would interfere with diplomatic moves and obstruct the return to peace. Violence alone could not achieve American goals becuase the intervention had to deal with nonmilitary causes of insergency.
The Marines' own psychology would have to be different fromthat of regular wars. In a conventional conflict one aroused courage in troops by instilling hatred of the enemy. In a small war, it would be necessary to be ruthless and firm at times; yes the Marines would be dealing with a native population as well as the enemy (though the distinction between the two may not always be clear) and their relations with the people had to be tolerant, sympathetic and kind.
The manual discussed at length how to handle the host countty's population. Iturged careful study of natives, to understadn thier customs, their racial qualities, thier psychology, and their history. Before landing, officers were to talk to enlisted men about the "racial characteristics" of the host country. All ranks were to be indoctrinated in the proper attitude toward civilians.

That Iraqi may have been an insurgent, but he was wounded. There was a camera on scene and the shooting was caught on video. Now the enemies of the US have more fuel to add to the anti American view in Iraq and the middle east