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Did anyone see the video of an injured Iraqi and the marines killing him and cheering?
Precision said:ur texan???? hahas, i should be aginist u and all, since im from mid town... NEW YORK CITY!!!@! GO YANKEES :rambo: :twisted::?
:shock: :evil:
In former times
the mass of enemy troops, like our own, was visible to and under the
immediate control of its leaders, Now troops are dispersed in battle
and not readily visible, and we must understand the psychology of
the individual, who operates beyond the direct control of his
superiors...The aim is not to develop a belligerent spirit in our men but rather one of caution and steadiness...The motive in small wars is not material destruction. It. is usually a project dealing with the social, economic, and political development of the people. It is of primary importance that the fullest benefit be derived from the psychological aspects of the situation.
...The Marines could not employ maximum force to obtain their objectives. Instead, they were to use as little violence as possible, avoiding bitterness that would interfere with diplomatic moves and obstruct the return to peace. Violence alone could not achieve American goals becuase the intervention had to deal with nonmilitary causes of insergency.
The Marines' own psychology would have to be different fromthat of regular wars. In a conventional conflict one aroused courage in troops by instilling hatred of the enemy. In a small war, it would be necessary to be ruthless and firm at times; yes the Marines would be dealing with a native population as well as the enemy (though the distinction between the two may not always be clear) and their relations with the people had to be tolerant, sympathetic and kind.
The manual discussed at length how to handle the host countty's population. Iturged careful study of natives, to understadn thier customs, their racial qualities, thier psychology, and their history. Before landing, officers were to talk to enlisted men about the "racial characteristics" of the host country. All ranks were to be indoctrinated in the proper attitude toward civilians.