Iran and nukes

Well Iran has effectivly told the International Atomic/nuclear commision to go p*ss up a rope. They will cotinue with their nuclear weapons program. So much for nonproliferation.
My major concern has already been stated by someone else. The Islamic fundamentalist states have the mindset where Israel is concerned to drop the hammer and cook em all in the name of Jihad. If that happens stand by for the sh*t storm that follows.
Xman has a point, at least, somewhat. He's talking about MAD, if Israel, Iran's enemy, can have a nuke, then Iran needs a nuke to assure MAD. Like the US and USSR. However, the flaw in this is that, unlike Israel, Iran is strongly linked to fundamentalist terrorist who seek no less than the annihilation of Judaism. Israel just wants to protect herself.

Course can't tell most hardcore muslims that, it's all apart of the great Jewish conspiracy to take over the world.

Anyways, we're diverting from the topic! How do you stop Iran!?
JDAM's a flight of F-117's and and take out their manufacturing facilities before they get one battle ready.
Iran cannot be negoitated with.
Only one issue...Israel is a democracy with no known use of WMDs. Iran is a Theocracy with known use of WMDs....

Edit: and also as to this:
Try be honest.How much land does Israel has when it was founded and now how much land does it has?The problem is regarded with that difference.

What are you saying? Are you claiming that Israel is the agressor inn the Middle-East conflict? If you are, and care to discuss it, we can have a new toppic about that....Ill open it right now in military discussions. If you are claiming that Isras nuclear superiority was used to take land from other countrys, you should note that Israel never threatend use of any WMDs, and that all land regarded to as "the territories" was taken in 1967 before Israel is believed to have had had operational nuclear weapons.
Military Action and UN used in the same sentence creates an Oxymoron. No the UN will pass a resolution condeming Iran's noncompliance and thats about it.
Now I said before, after WW2:
When facing a small nation almost without much military power, then USA calls a bunch of its little allies to show the big chest and fist and beat the he&l out of the small enemy like a big hero of Hollywood film.
When facing a strong enemy like Iran, then you can not find the shadow of the "Uncle" Sam any more :lol:

Israel and USA can do nothing against Iran's nuke, there is no Will no Way to attack, so the only realistic way is to take it, facing and embracing the changed/changing world, and build up more TMD, NMD :D
Keep bangin the drum on the old Party Line there Frog. There are several things that could be done and may eventually be done time will tell.
03USMC said:
Keep bangin the drum on the old Party Line there Frog. There are several things that could be done and may eventually be done time will tell.

Well, when Pakistan and India got nukes exploded, USA was able to do nothing. People joke USA is the world police, but in reality her power is very limited IMHO.
Pakistan has nukes. They are an important deterent to Indian hostility. Whether they should have gotten them or not is irrelevant at this point, but there is a perceived need for Pakistan. What is Iran's excuse?
So by Frog's logic, because the US has the best military in the world, we should always attack a country regardless of other options? Unless we attack Iran and our troops are repelled, there is no base to Iranian military supremacy.

But like I said before, it is not their initial military that's dangerous to the US, rather, the insurgency/terrorist groups that would arise as a direct mirror of Iraq. Guerilla warfare is the most dangerous and lengthy form of combat ever conceived, you don't want to pit yourself in that on purpose, regardless of how technologically superior you are.

This is why the Iranian threat would probably be best met with Special Forces and/or airstrike. Honestly, I think the SF would be the better bet. Train some folks on Unconventional Warfare..... create an upriseing. Unlike Iraq, I don't believe Iran has a gustapo like organization to surpress upriseings, plus many sectors of Iran have sympathetic security forces towards rebellious factions. Regime change without US occupation, and the nuclear threat nullified.

But of course, I'm sure this is 100x more difficult to pull off than I just made it sound, but it sure beats a costly invasion/occupation!
No Frog is saying the U.S. cannot do anything about the Iranians having their Nukes. It's one of his the U.S. is weak things that he likes to trot out.
And yes the Iranians have strong units within the Revoluntionary Guard that would and could surpress a rebellion just as effectivly as SAVAK would have in the days of the Shah.
I would say an airstrike directed at their facilities would be better than use of Spec ops.
The use of Special Forces.Which ever you choose to use SF, SEAL etc. has a longer logistic line. When you have operators on the ground you need to support them to some extent. If you deploy say an SF A team or teams to train insurgents they still have to be supported.
The destruction of facilties if that is your goal would entail an insertion and an extraction of the force that carried it out. The deployment of ground forces the insertion and extraction is the pucker factor time.

Use of an air strike puts less friendly lives at risk and IMO serves a better chance at target destruction in this case.
Air Strike, yes common people all think this is the best way to destroy the nuke facilities. But I have talked with Iranians about this, they say the air strikes will be of no use, because the Iranian nuke facilities are mostly built in the mountains and under grounds.

If you started air strike, then he*l comes, Iran will missile back to Israel, and in the mean time, fasten the speed of building nukes (maybe they already have nuke device, who knows).
Yeah I just don't know if an airstrike would do the trick altogether. Besides, the current Iranian regime isn't exactly the berries..... a upriseing would help greatly :lol:
Everyone wants a "Peace Maker" these days! its kinda sad I wish Nukes had never been invented!!!

Rush has an awsome song that is about it!!! cant remember what its called off hand!
Its mind-boggling how much potential Iran has (compared to most Muslim nations), and most of it is wasted by the current regime. A higher priority toward modernizing their technology and industry would go a long ways. Fundamentalist Muslim regimes tend to stagnate development in those areas.
EternalOne said:
Everyone wants a "Peace Maker" these days! its kinda sad I wish Nukes had never been invented!!!

Rush has an awsome song that is about it!!! cant remember what its called off hand!

slightly off topic...but they came out with two songs that might have something to do with nukes

one was "Distance early warning" the other was the "manhatten project" which one do you think you heard? :D