Introducing: Redleg! :)


The fire is everything
Staff member
Hm, maybe I also should introduce myself here (again). :D

As most of you (should) know, I'm a Redleg (Artillery) by heart, mind, body and soul, and has been that for the last 9 years.
My rank is 1. Lieutenant, and I do currently work at the Norwegian FA School, with Artillery Survey, Reconnaissance, Manouvre and C2IS (Command, control and information systems).
During my 9 years in the Army I have been 1 year at the Sergeant school for the Field Artillery, two years ot the Army's Officer School, 2CO and Platoon Commander of a Survey/Reconnaissance platoon, Recon. Officer etc..
I have also been three tours abroad, to South Lebanon, Macedonia and Bosnia.
And as many others here I did also attend to a junior military group before I started my real military career.
I was in the Home Guard/Infantry for 2-3 years, and I really loved it, so that made me apply to the Sergeant School right after high-school.

Enough about my military career.
My other interests are quite limited now after my daughter was born two years ago. (but thats really not a bad thing.. ;) )
My family, work and this site takes most of my time now, but I do also enjoy wintersports (snowboarding/cross country), and scubadiving and fishing in the summer.
I did skydive for some years, but I had to take a break from that when my daughter was born (takes to much time and costs to much money.. :( ), but I hope to start again this summer (or the next one).

If you have any questions about me or this site/forum feel free to post her or PM me. :D
Nice to know ya a little better Redleg. BTW, congrats, got yourself a kid, I can't wait to get some of my own...
MunitionsAirman said:
So what military are you with... I am kind of confused by this.... What country???

:lol: :lol:
Don't you see the nice flag??
Welcome Redleg, It's good to see you newbies posting here. We got this mean'ol admin who like to ban people that don't post a intro here, his name is Red.... Oh, wait! :lol: ;)
Lars, it's good to see your intro. Congratulations on becoming a dad. Your life has just begun to change. It's a great responsibility but it has great rewards. If you think about it, being a father is the only job that a man can't quit, not that you would want to quit. But it is most definately a permanent position. The job will have more challenges than you could imagine. I remember the first time one of my children outsmarted me. It was like playing chess with yourself. I soon found out that it was just the first time of many to come and I wouldn't have traded the experience for the world. I wish you endless happiness.
Thank you very much DTop! :D

My life did REALLY change two years ago, but only for the better. :)
There are of course times when I miss my "old" life, when I could do (almost) whatever I wanted to do without having to plan days/weeks ahead...
But life is really much better now anyway.. :D
I dont think I got the joke: are you seriously Canadian born or what ? Your name sounds so Scandinavian...
Congratulations for becoming a father.
ItalianGuy4US said:
I dont think I got the joke: are you seriously Canadian born or what ? Your name sounds so Scandinavian...
Congratulations for becoming a father.

Look at my flag.. ;)