I sincerly think that if more countries pulled ther tits out of some countries mounths and start to think more long-term solutions instead of this cover my own ass short-term emergency solutions that is very common here in Europe I have to say then it would not be to many terrorist cells working anywhere on this planet. There is alot of leaders and gouverments that still make their short-term solutions and elections that makes their faces look good in there diplomatic relations with the rest of the world and the only thing they do when a bomb kills hundreds of civilians is condemning the violence with censorious terms and then pull out the troops from a country.
If I was a terrorist that really hated the West I would be very greatful to my enemies because then I can do it again, and again and again untill I have reached my final goal. To kill everyone that dont think as I do. And that my friends is in my humble opinion the worst thing a leader of any kind can do against its own people. I would say that I now understand why people like Adolf Hitler and Stalin could come to power.
These leaders of the world should pull there head out from each others assholes and start to look in to the history. If I was a leader in any country I would drive this leaders of ours in to a curt and face them with theese following charges.
- conspiracy against peace
crime against peace
war crimes
crime against humanity for profit
cause this is what these different leaders are doing against their people everyday and for what?! Risking there faces in some sick sandbox game with miss universe good looking diplomatic relations with the rest of the world?! And who will pay the final price for this? ME and no other citizen and the bleeding truth about this is that these frightened hares of this cheap suited good looking on paper leaders will eventually kill everything that is good in this world if we let them continue this diplomatic BS playground for another 50 years.
George W Bush got the balls to show the rest of the world that he didnt want another house wisit from people that just hate americans. What he did was not conventionall but he really kicked some serious ass and he also showed the rest of the world what they should have done intead of supplying this dictators down there with even more deadly weapons. Mr Bush also made a clear signal to the arab states that this racist kill the west ideology didnt work even if they had oil! Democray my friends has a very expencive price tag on its head. You cant buy it with "afraid of my own shadow" diplomacy!
I am a minority of the European people that thinks like this, I know. But in the long term the rest of them also will have their fun because they let this madmen rule this side of the planet for another 50-100-1000 years, my side of the future? We have not seen the last concentration camp in Europe thats for sure! The next time I will be in one and my guards will be very handy with their knives and they will enjoy cutting mine and my familys heads of. Why a man can aske himselfe? My humble oppinion is ---- Our leaders were soaking wet pussy cats to start with
and it is always good to have useful idiots
Where did this quote from? Well it is J. Stalins own words! And Europe are full of useful idiots so dont make the same misstake as this part of the world have done. And do vote if you can, but not with your hearts, or to much wallet, vote with you conscience because the U.S is this worlds last hope for democray. And I dont like to say this but it is the truth! And I dont have a guilty conscience to admit this to the world.