Yeah!... two state solution,... eh? Why didn't we think of that in WWII, it would have saved so many Allied lives.
But neither of your solutions would solve a thing, in fact both would only further inflame the current problems.In reality (what we know as reality that is) there is only two possible choices here, a two state solution being one of them.
The other would be that the occupied territories and the Palestine territories becomes an official part of Israel.
That off course would create a whole new set of problems in the future...
But neither of your solutions would solve a thing, in fact both would only further inflame the current problems.
A two state solution would solve nothing as Israel would still be on Palestinian lands, and if you feel thayt is the price we have to pay, put yourself in the shoes of the palestinians. Would you just give up most of your country to an occupying force? The days of colonialism by force of arms, are 100 years gone.
Yeah,... it's tough, and every day that passes is going to make it worse. Eventually International pressure bring about a solution as it did in South Africa.
What never ceases to amaze me is that certain countries have not yet come to the realisation that virtually all of today's terrorism by fundamentalist Muslims, was all bought to a head by the US support for Israel over Palestine.
And it's not going to go away. In the meantime coalition countries spend billions, (trillions in the case of the US) to send the best of our young men and women to risk death in order to support what in any other situation would be declared a pariah state.
Provide statehood for Israel on what is now US land, three times the size of Israel today and with access to the sea on the Pacific coast. There are large stretches of California that are barely inhabited. Provide transport for every Israeli to this new land free of charge. Give current land to Palestine. Problem solved.
White South Africa "was there" also, but in the end common sense prevailed as they (the Whites) realised that their problems were only going to get worse. The situation is almost identical in Palestine with a fast growing Palestinian population and dissatisfaction only getting worse as time goes on. Not to mention the fact that since many of Israels atrocities have been uncovered, and the more recent ones so well documented, sympathy for the Palestinian cause is gaining ground internationally. Ten years or so ago, I was a fervent supporter of Israel,... but only because I had no idea of what was going on.The problem now is one of realistic outcomes though and reality is that Israel is there and right or wrong 5 million people are not going anywhere so any solution will have to begin with an equitable coexistance process in other words statehood for the Palestinians, long term I would prefer to see this progress like the reunification of Germany into a single democratic secular state but until both sides can grasp tolerance that is a long way off.
As for creating a state out of the USA, I am not sure why the Yanks need to pay for a cockup by Britain and France.
Yet you do not seem to have a solution that does not simply transfer the problem to some other part of the world, you are dealing with millions of people whether they are Israeli or Palestinian at this point is immaterial.
What's the plan dump Israelis on Europe?
Maybe dump the Palestinians on the Arab world?
Either way you are going to end up pissing people off so the only realistic option is to find a solution to the situation in place now I have no doubt we can sit here pointing the finger at who is responsible and who is worse but what exactly will this solve?
Now based on the argument that these two groups can not currently live together and we cant move them all we can do is find a working fix and in my opinion that is initially a 2 state one with the hope that in the long term common sense and a bit of self determination will allow for a 1 state long term fix (Yes I know it is a very very long shot but who knows what a 50 year lull in killing may achieve and in the end this battle is just because each side believes in a different fairy tale).
However I am prepared to accept there are other solutions out there so if you have one by all means put up for thought.
Your attitude exactly that of those who led to the position where we are now. For once we must do what is morally right, nothing less will even begin to solve the problem, in fact it will just add to the injustice that has already occurred and further inflame the attitudes of all concerned. The whole thing started because someone pissed off someone else, and this is the problem that will have to be solved to overcome our dilemma. As I said it was done in South Africa, and it works, it's far from perfect but even those worst affected realise that it was the only solution. In fact, we are already aware of this, but no one wants to be the person to say it. Too many Political red faces, admitting that we have again been supporting the wrong side and doing it for all the wrong reasons. (Self interest)
If you don't start with those who are responsible, why bother starting at all, as you know that you are not even trying to resolve the problem? It's just another slap in the face for those who were initially wronged.
Firstly Israel must be made to see that they cannot just ride roughshod over the Palestinians, not to mention world opinion. There are many ways that a real start could be made on this. Withdraw all forms of support, impose an embargo on all strategic, civil and financial aid. Demand that those who have entered under the "Right of Return" go back where they came from. Have all Israeli war Criminals and those suspected of war crimes made to face the ICJ. I could go on, but I'm sure you get the idea,...
We do all these type of things to other pariah states, what exactly is the reason why we can't or won't do it with Israel,... It comes back to self interest again, doesn't it?
Ultimately a South African type solution must come about and control handed back to the Palestinians. The Israelis will have to pull their heads in and come to a working agreement with the Palis.
Firstly Israel must be made to see that they cannot just ride roughshod over the Palestinians, not to mention world opinion.
You mean that there was not a similar amount of hostility between the Blacks and Whites in south Africa?Your argument would be fine if we could turn the clock back 100 years but we can't so we have to find a solution that does not swap one bunch of destitute refugees with another.
As for the South African comparison its not going to fly due to the level of hostility between the two parties.
Your argument would be fine if we could turn the clock back 100 years but we can't so we have to find a solution that does not swap one bunch of destitute refugees with another.
As for the South African comparison its not going to fly due to the level of hostility between the two parties.
Which is exactly what giving the Palestinians a state does, it gives them equality on the world stage to Israel and it affords them some level of protection from Israel but it also means they will have to abide by the rules governing nations regarding their neighbours as well.
Now the fact is that Israel/Palestine is to small an area to have two fully functioning states so the reality is that at some point they will have to stop the idiocy and work together or perish together but at the very least they can do this at their own pace and on equal terms which to me is the ground work for long term peace.
As for the US in this scenario I am not sure that really matters given the US's deteriorating economic status and its declining stature in world affairs, there will always be support there for Israel but it does not prevent them also supporting countries like Egypt I have few doubts that they would offer assistance to a Palestinian state once it is in place.