MC Martel: I have read a number of your posts and it clear to me that you are a liberal, it should be just as obvious from mine that I am a conservative. God bless you sir, and God bless our democracy which would not be possible without spirited disagreement.
As a liberal you take your facts from the liberal media and liberal academia because they suit your inclinations and bolsters your opinions.
It is troubling that liberals have become such haters though. That started with the DNC Chairman announcing the new jihad. Remember, "I HATE Republicans, and everything they do!" speech? It is truly unfortunate that so many Democrats, especially liberal Democrats decided to take that exhortation to heart.
Hate really doesn't improve dialogue, it makes it very difficult to come to a concensus.
Would it surprise you to learn that among the 3600 scientists that you referred to as "Kooks" who reject global warming as a man-made phenomenon there are 14 Nobel Prize winners? The list of dissenters is readily available on the internet, if you look for opposing views. Are liberal Democrats allowed to do that anymore?
As a conservative Republican I don't hate liberals and I have yet to hear any Republican leader telling us to HATE Democrats.
I believe that men of good will and integrity can disagree. I don't hate you, I just think you are wrong. Is that okay anymore?
Oh by the way, I completely agree with you about nuclear power, but I have misgivings--based on the recent occurences in Japan--about traditional nuclear power plants. However there is a nuclear power plant called a molten-salt reactor that is a huge improvement over the current water and fuel rod technology. Check into it, it is very cool.
As a liberal you take your facts from the liberal media and liberal academia because they suit your inclinations and bolsters your opinions.
It is troubling that liberals have become such haters though. That started with the DNC Chairman announcing the new jihad. Remember, "I HATE Republicans, and everything they do!" speech? It is truly unfortunate that so many Democrats, especially liberal Democrats decided to take that exhortation to heart.
Hate really doesn't improve dialogue, it makes it very difficult to come to a concensus.
Would it surprise you to learn that among the 3600 scientists that you referred to as "Kooks" who reject global warming as a man-made phenomenon there are 14 Nobel Prize winners? The list of dissenters is readily available on the internet, if you look for opposing views. Are liberal Democrats allowed to do that anymore?
As a conservative Republican I don't hate liberals and I have yet to hear any Republican leader telling us to HATE Democrats.
I believe that men of good will and integrity can disagree. I don't hate you, I just think you are wrong. Is that okay anymore?
Oh by the way, I completely agree with you about nuclear power, but I have misgivings--based on the recent occurences in Japan--about traditional nuclear power plants. However there is a nuclear power plant called a molten-salt reactor that is a huge improvement over the current water and fuel rod technology. Check into it, it is very cool.
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