Foreign Military

EuroSpike said:
AlexKall said:
Big_Z said:
Are Americans the ones who came up with the designation "Ranger"? I know allot of countries use it and i'm just curious if it is after the US Rangers.

Many units in Sweden are translated to Ranger units, in other words their name.

And is most likely either british or american :)

We got our own an non of them are translated to rangers but it is easier name Laskuvarjojääkäri, Fallschirmjaeger as airborne ranger to explain what is it. Usually finnish terms can be translated straightly to german and swedish but not to english.

Sissi is straightly translated as guerilla and sissikomppania as guerilla company, but what does exactly mean the term "guerilla"? Is it a soldier or something like iraqi insurgents?

Yeah heh translated might have been the wrong use of word, thanks for correcting me ;)
Big_Z said:
Guerilla warfare is simply using small groups of men to attack and harass the enemy. It can be devastating to morale and if done properly can be very effective against an enemy. Take Iraq for example, men with 0 training and low quality weapons are racking up allot of kills on the US military. Imagine if it was a highly trained unit like the Rangers doing these guerilla attacks. The Korean war is a perfect example. Rangers would go against overwhelming numbers and cause massive amounts of damage against the enemy while taking few if any losses at all using these tactics.

Yeah thats the actuall mission for the Arctic Rangers that I mentioned erlyer, their mission is to sabotage support lines etc. But they (or rather one states that its not actually a ranger company in the like of the American ranger companys)
"Yeah heh translated might have been the wrong use of word, thanks for correcting me"

I am wandering about by wich name to use about sissi units: guerilla or ranger? Sissi companys are also specially guerilla warfare trained light infantry units wich make sabotage and raider strikes and reconnaisance against enemy supply lines and troops behind enemy lines and finnish terrain is ideal for guerilla warfare. Sissi units can be temporarily used like infantry in defence missions if situation demands that.

"Take Iraq for example, men with 0 training and low quality weapons are racking up allot of kills on the US military. Imagine if it was a highly trained unit like the Rangers doing these guerilla attacks."

Insurgent's action has been surprising effective. Their advantage is their iniative and they choose the time and place where to fight but for american's luck insurgents seem to have more fanatiscm than skills :D
Any information on Sissi units? Located on (they do then to write even though they know nothing about the unit hehe)
AlexKall said:
Any information on Sissi units? Located on (they do then to write even though they know nothing about the unit hehe)

Yeah, writes a lot of bullshit and this time that was written about sissi units.

Sissi units are not special forces, they are light infantry trained for guerilla warfare behind enemy lines against supply convoys, headquarters, command posts and communication lines. Guerilla training unit is called as "Sissikomppania" (Guerilla company) and that trains both guerilla and reconnaisance units. Training companys are stationed in eastern garrisons and border units border jaegers are sissi trained.

The main difference between Sissi and recon units is that sissi units are primarily fighting units making sudden ambushes/raider strikes and recon units try to avoid any combat and concentrate on reconnaisance. Training is physically and mentally tougher than in regular infantry. In training 150km long ski marches and long afterstrike overnight moves avoiding pursuiting enemy patrols aren't weird stuff.

Sissi units missions behind lines are usually:
-Raider strikes
-Violent reconnaisance
-Prisoner taking
-Traffic count (like recon teams)
-Temporary defence missions (if needed)


Sissi branch insignia hand badge.
AlexKall said:
Thank you! Sounds a bit like Arctic Rangers (Lapplandsjägarna):

Too bad it no longer exist :(

Good link! Lapplandsjägarna seem to be very similar to Sissi. Tactics and organisations are quite similar to each others. Btw, Reservists of Lapplandsjägarna and Sissi units use to train volunteery together in Lappland.

"Since northern Sweden is very sparsely populated there are also very few roads. This makes the enemy’s supply lines very vulnerable. If you destroy key parts of a road, there are no alternative supply routes to use - no supplies will reach the front. It is also very easy to repeatedly ambush enemy supply convoys, since there are no alternative roads for them to travel on."

Kings terrain and winter are on guerilla's side ;)

A couple of guerillas carrying their all field gear. Light combat equipments, no combat belts, helmets or vests.
EuroSpike said:
AlexKall said:
Thank you! Sounds a bit like Arctic Rangers (Lapplandsjägarna):

Too bad it no longer exist :(

Good link! Lapplandsjägarna seem to be very similar to Sissi. Tactics and organisations are quite similar to each others. Btw, Reservists of Lapplandsjägarna and Sissi units use to train volunteery together in Lappland.

"Since northern Sweden is very sparsely populated there are also very few roads. This makes the enemy’s supply lines very vulnerable. If you destroy key parts of a road, there are no alternative supply routes to use - no supplies will reach the front. It is also very easy to repeatedly ambush enemy supply convoys, since there are no alternative roads for them to travel on."

Kings terrain and winter are on guerilla's side ;)

Hehe yeah, unfortently that regiment was closed down :( (I 22)
"Hehe yeah, unfortently that regiment was closed down :( (I 22)"

Training regiments come and go, wartime troops and units remain.
AlexKall said:
You're a wice man! Hope you're right :D

Training units are only training units, not operative wartime units.

We got Savo's brigade threatened by shut down in future. They may shut down the garrison and end training there, but Savo's jaeger brigade will still exist.