Famous Sniper Quotes


New Member
Hey if you know any good sniper quotes please reply. Here is two of them that I got it from the book One Shot One Kill -

"Life can never seem so real as when it faces extinction"
-U.S Marine Corporal Ron Szpond, Vietnam - 1966

"There is also this intense feeling of looking death in the face, tempting fate, challenging the reaper, so to speak......."
-Same As As First One
Is it really neccasary to insult Americans in every post you make GADefence?

On topic..

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not shoot,

The courage to shoot the things I can,

and the wisdom to hide the bodies. (unknown)

Don't try to run. You'll only die tired! (SF)

Got these at a site called Snipers Paradise.
"Won't you be my neighbor?"
-Mister Rodgers, the most well known sniper on Earth
(Just not known FOR sniping)

"Peek-a-boo, I see you. You can't see me, but I see you and my spotter can too. I pull the trigger, the bullet flies. Commies watch as one of their own dies."
"671 grains of diplomacy"

"man or woman, young or old, my sights are steady, and my trigger cold. walk or run, laugh or cry your in my A.O., now you die!"

"invisible soles leave .308 holes"

"the quickest way to change a persons mind on a subject is a 138gr boattail"

"If you don't have time to do it right, will you have time to do it again?"

"2 lines you should never cross....horizontal and vertical"

"time spent in recon is seldom wasted"

"the only thing I feel when I kill is the recoil from my rifle"

"one man can change the world with a bullet in the right place"

"bolt actions speak louder than words"

"one mans fate comes from another mans wait"

"sniping is poetry in slow motion, up until you pull the trigger"

"a sniper is the worst romancer, they never make the first move"

"God is not on the side of battalions, but on the side that shoots best"

"my mission is before me, the enemy is around me, my mission is death, my mission is met"

"my only trace is a body where a man once stood"
We were doing an ACB readiness inspection at Camp Hansen Okinawa in the late 80's. The STA Platoon Bubbas had their ghillies, stalking boots etc. all laid out and their bolt guns were in hard cases.

Some Cpl. who was an attachment, not really sure if he was Engineer, Arty or what asked one the STA Bubbas " Hey whatta you guys have in the cases?"

Sniper says. " Thats my trombone. I'm in the Marine Corps band."

Attachment says "Cool.":shoothea: and walks off, Sniper justlaughs and shakes his head.

That's my favorite Sniper qoute.
My favourite quote

Reporter to sniper in Iraq. "What do you feel when you shoot an insurgent?"
Sniper to reporter, "Just a little recoil."
My personal favorite is the one I use when playing an online game, which also happens to be my signature.

That and "I am a whisper, a shadow, I don't exist. By the time you realize I'm there it's already to late and by then I'm long gone.
Reporter to sniper in Iraq. "What do you feel when you shoot an insurgent?"
Sniper to reporter, "Just a little recoil."

"man or woman, young or old, my sights are steady, and my trigger cold. walk or run, laugh or cry your in my A.O., now you die!"

"one mans fate comes from another mans wait"

"a sniper is the worst romancer, they never make the first move"

"Peek-a-boo, I see you. You can't see me, but I see you and my spotter can too. I pull the trigger, the bullet flies. Commies watch as one of their own dies."

pretty amazing ones thanks guys :)