'Ello you lot.

Yes, flooding are a problem in GB, is the environmental agency your FEMA? (Federal Emergency Management Agency)

I hope you have a feedback organization within the police in GB, you can ask your superiors if you practice "contra flow", if not. It can be used here.

The Environmental Agency deal with environmental emergencies such as flooding.

I believe we'd need the say so from the government to implement contra flow.
I leave for a couple of weeks and look at you lot. Cant trust you for nothin.

Smacks you all upside the head*

At least the thread ended in something halfway sensible instead of talking about <censored> ! Aye I read all your comments you bad boys.

I love you really. Now that I am back Where the fork is my greeting?? Heh, a likely story. Too busy getting your ends away or getting friendly with your hands and worrying about a bit of water?! *ducks* OK OK so that was a bit out of water of me. I bet you were in floods of-----trails off to silence...So I have terrible humour. I likely learned it from people like you in the first place.

Listen if you are really all that frustrated then for God sake use the other hand, or you'll end up looking like a lopsided popeye. And you know that isn't a good look.

And someone mentioned I joined the Brit pack-what with you sexually frustrated horrors?? laughs* Id be honoured if you'll have me. Just you won't have me in that way! And ftr- I am not feckn frustrated tyvm! As long as you realise I am off limits of course. No I am not a lez-be-friend type! Smacks whoever had the audacity to call that out, and accompanies that with a glare* I am taken. I don't know quite where I am taken yet, but I am.

It's good to be back and Don't I know when I am! I need a flippin drink after reading all your crap and I don't even drink! But I will take a coffee cheers. Mines black with 3 sugars tyvm. and -HOW MANY PAGES??? And you lot moan that women can talk for ages! Pft. What a crock O shyte. Men are just as bad.

Actually It was good to see you lot happy, and enjoying yourselves. Do any of you do any work or do you live here? haha.

So what is my initiation going to be? And if you aren't nice, I will spike your drinks with Lax, and God help you if you get a cough with that.

When you stop dicking about enough to come and say ello, I have something for you.

Come closer. Closer.....


Hug slaps* That's for Hijacking my barsteward thread! Good to see you all.
Now where's my coffee? Don't keep me waiting.
Aye, right. But I wouldn't give up on you lot that easily! Not a chance, you are stuck with my annoying @ss.
Haha @ that. I'm sure you love it really. Anyway, I am foxtrot oscarring. Some of us have work to prep for Moan-day. Be good. -If you can't be good, be good at being bad.

Later Data.
There's only one thing worse than an Officer, and that's an ex officer.:2guns:
