Carlos Santana- "Please Legalize Pot, Mr. President"

*chuckle* That's more or less what I thought... Kinda of a "so crazy it just might work" idea, but not crazy enough to really work. Though you must admit, for it being as harmless as it is, the consequences for possession of marijuana are rather harsh, IMO.

A friend of mine recently got expelled from college because he had a small baggie of pot in his room... I think that's a little much for something that I could grow in my back yard.
Really I could careless if marijuana in personal use amounts are legalized. Let the stoners smoke themselves stupid.

But if you legalize it. Package it and sell it like alcohol and tax the hell out of it. Then at least they'd paying for the privelige of firing up and actually supporting society with the tax revenue generated.

But they won't like that solution. "Cause like Dude. Weed comes from God. God gave us weed. And like Dude God wouldn't want weed taxed cayse Dude it's like his gift to us."
Theoretically, alcohol is God-given too, but people would rather have their alcohol taxed than not have it at all... History has shown us that.

The taxing thing is actually a good idea... I like it... Do you think it would ever happen? So far, America does seem to be leaning more center-left these days...
Theoretically, alcohol is God-given too, but people would rather have their alcohol taxed than not have it at all... History has shown us that.

The taxing thing is actually a good idea... I like it... Do you think it would ever happen? So far, America does seem to be leaning more center-left these days...
It's a ways off. Though I agree that's the best solution.
Well when this election first started, my dad said "A black president is, though it is a pity, a far way off."

(Dad voted for Obama, but didn't think he would win.)

I smell some BIG changes coming in the culture of America, and the world... I know it's the cliché line, but it's time for some change.
Yeah but change is not necessarily always good. Any legalization needs to be done properly and with an eye to the greater good. Blanket legalization without restriction could be a bad bad thing.
Really I could careless if marijuana in personal use amounts are legalized. Let the stoners smoke themselves stupid.

But if you legalize it. Package it and sell it like alcohol and tax the hell out of it. Then at least they'd paying for the privelige of firing up and actually supporting society with the tax revenue generated.

But they won't like that solution. "Cause like Dude. Weed comes from God. God gave us weed. And like Dude God wouldn't want weed taxed cayse Dude it's like his gift to us."

It is from God, if you believe in Him (I'm undecided).

But if it were legal there's no way I'd smoke wrapped and taxed stuff. They'd probably pull the same **** they do with tobacco and stuff it with unnecessary chemicals and fiberglass. I'd home grow like an enthusiast. Naturally I hope that somewhere down the line they finally end this pointless prohibition.
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It is from God, if you believe in Him (I'm undecided).

But if it were legal there's no way I'd smoke wrapped and taxed stuff. They'd probably pull the same **** they do with tobacco and stuff it with unnecessary chemicals and fiberglass. I'd home grow like an enthusiast. Naturally I hope that somewhere down the line they finally end this pointless prohibition.

:-P Your Honor. I rest my case:p
Yep, that's another reason it hasn't been legalized yet. Can't make nearly as much money off of a plant that grows in almost any environment on Earth.
Really I could careless if marijuana in personal use amounts are legalized. Let the stoners smoke themselves stupid.

But if you legalize it. Package it and sell it like alcohol and tax the hell out of it. Then at least they'd paying for the privelige of firing up and actually supporting society with the tax revenue generated.

But they won't like that solution. "Cause like Dude. Weed comes from God. God gave us weed. And like Dude God wouldn't want weed taxed cayse Dude it's like his gift to us."

That's my feeling too. I hate the stuff myself but the fact is as long as there is a demand for it, there will be supply for it. We learned that during the 1920s Prohibition.

And since its not inherently as dangerous as Cocaine, Heroin, Meth, etc its probably just better to legalize it and tax the hell out of it like tobacco.

It would give organized crime a kick to the teeth too -at least for the short term.
And it has other effects too.
In Holland it's no longer cool to get high.

As a Dutchman I can say it never really was very cool. Actually, smoking a joint was and is a personal choice and others couldn't care less if you smoked it or not. It causes less aggression in public than alcohol does and smoking a fag causes more lung cancer.

I am all for legalizing weed because it has more pro's than cons:
* Since it is legal government or health services can provide good tests to test the quality. Why do some strange dealer test when you can get a good legal one? So the point of buying it somewhere in a back alley is lost. Government can sell it a controlled pricing and compete illegal dealers out of the market. And since they have a duty to take care of their civilians they can also maintain a high quality.
* You can tax it accordingly.
* It saves a lot of law enforcement time, so they can focus on things that do matter, like hard drugs, violence etc.

And I can't see the point of the witch hunt on weed when we are allowed to drink and smoke. Yearly more people die of alcohol than soft drugs, so why the ambiguity?
There's always the "coolness" factor if it's illegal, no matter how stupid it is. That's really what I'm referring to. If you're not being a rebel by smoking it... well... that's half the reason out the window already.
That's true Redneck, the coolness factor hides in the fact that it is illegal. Over here we have the policy of condoning it. Officially it is illegal, but nobody really bothers to uphold the law regarding weed. Unless you have too much in your coffeeshop, and you do get controls on a regular basis. But the coolness has vanished together with the '60's.
That's my feeling too. I hate the stuff myself but the fact is as long as there is a demand for it, there will be supply for it. We learned that during the 1920s Prohibition.

And since its not inherently as dangerous as Cocaine, Heroin, Meth, etc its probably just better to legalize it and tax the hell out of it like tobacco.

It would give organized crime a kick to the teeth too -at least for the short term.

This is exactly how I see it.

I wouldn't smoke it even if it were legal. But the time we waste, which equates to money, not to mention the violence associated with illicit sales and trade, is a detriment to this country and a battle we'll never win. Let 'em smoke themselves into a stupor. Enact stricter laws like current DUI penalties, tax the ever loving crap out of it, and roll that money over into drug treatment and education programs.
I don't see it becoming legal in all 50 states. Cigarette prices have increased so much in the last few months that even if it was made legal, there cost would be outrageous. I cannot imagine the cost of pot being less than the cost of tobacco cigarettes.