As you have all read the Air Force will be conducting a Nation Wide HLS exercise during the period 5-10 August. North Carolina must be on high alert to respond to mission tasking that come out during this time. In order to prepare and respond to this exercise we will institute the following measures for the period.
1) NLT 2 August Group CC's will coordinate within their groups to insure that we have a ready aircrew for each AC (especially during the day) The aircrews should be equipped if at all possible with digital cameras, camcorders and laptops with dial up internet capability. We realize this may pose some difficulty so lets take this time to coordinate with Logistics to insure you have what you need to respond.
The designated aircrew in each group should be familiar with the operation of the digital camera and laptop and capable of getting images off the camera onto the laptop and emailing them as instructed. We will expect the designated aircrews to be capable of being AIRBORNE one hour after notification.
2) To facilitate greater command and control we will increase the frequency of the HF net. We will operate every night on 4585. Additionally we need five voluntiers to step forward to be available during the day time to monitor and pass traffic on HF. (Personnel who are comfortable with passing formal traffic properly - if you think you might be rusty, now would be a good time to break out the 100-1 and review if necessary - lets be prepared.
3) Everyone is reminded to update your contact information on the National Web Site so that we can find you if we need you. Additionally please update your pager subscriptions on the NCWG Paperless Wing.
4) We will be alerting via the Wing Pager System if we are tasked. Group CC's should acknowledge the page immediately to the listed IC and insure that all squadrons in their group have initiated there local alerts.
5) Squadron CC's should immediately review your squadron alert lists. Take the time now to update these documents with proper phone numbers and other contact data.
We do not have any idea what or how many tasks we will receive but please understand that the Air Force takes this exercise VERY seriously and so will we in NC. If you have any questions or comments please don't hesitate to contact me.
Maj. Jeff Willis