I'm not saying you do anyhitng other than take time to make the right decision.
The reserves are a good opportunity to get experience, training, and money for school. They are also called up more frequently than 10-15 years ago.
Why not stop by a police station and ask guys that know what it took to become a cop in your area. I'm mainly going off my brother in law (Philly cop).
You may also find the Army Guard or Air Guard have programs to pay for college. In PA, enlisted members get full tuition to state schools (approx $3-4,000 per year. It's essentially a grade free scholarship.
Check out the Guard programs, as well. My two cents? The Air Force units enjoy a far higher quality of life, better travel opportunities, and more laid back atmosphere. Their SPs are also well trained. In fact, I went my unit's SPs to play paintball in Alpena Michigan as "small unit tactics." It was actually very effective. MILES gear doesn't simulate the sound of stuff whizzing by your ears. Paint ball pellets shot from those compressors may not be bullets, but they get your head down and make you highly aware of the results of any "brave" charges.