China vs USA

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"Think back, every time china and the US have had a showdown agaist each other, china has either tied or won." lol when i think of that i think of marines being outnumbered 10 to 1 decimating the chinese. If i tried to type out ever encounter that the American marines or rangers putting the hurt on the chinese id crash this forum. Your country was crushed by the little country next to you, Japan. Your soldiers tactics were horrible and your training was ever worse. The only tactics your country used was throwing insane ammounts of troops hoping you would somehow come out on top. I wouldnt be suprised if the UK could defeat China.
It's gonna take a while b4 i can get all the articles and figures up

Big_Z says

Unlike your troops who panic and callapse under preaure American troops thrive in it

Before china changed it's communist policy in the 90's many chinese were bomb barded with propragana and national pride. All of asia has been dominated by a single document "The art of war" an old book written by a chinese general thousands of years ago. It tells us to be able dominate the battlefield you must have the confidence of your soldiers. Knowing this china's gov makes sure it's people believe in themselves and their country.

Big_Z says

Warefare has change allot since the days of chinese throwing hundreds of thousands of their troops into swarms to be mowed down by machine gun fire

True, modern warfare has changed after the viet war. China cant posibly believe that throwing millions of people into the battlefield can defeat the enemy. Thats why it's been modernizing and training it's troops. We dont throw people into the sights of machine guns, we throw them in with these things

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heres a good example of the korean war. "The 8th Ranger Infantry Company (Airborne) was attached to the 24th Infantry Division. They were known as the "Devils." A 33-man platoon from the 8th Ranger Company fought a between-the-lines battle with two Chinese reconnaissance companies. Seventy Chinese were killed. The Rangers suffered two dead and three wounded, all of whom were brought back to friendly lines."

heres another from the same site.
"The Rangers went into battle by air, land and water. The 1st Ranger Infantry Company (Airborne) opened with an extraordinary example of land navigation, then executed a daring night raid nine miles behind enemy lines destroying an enemy complex. The enemy installation was later identified by a prisoner as the Headquarters of the 12th North Korean Division. Caught by surprise and unaware of the size of the American force, two North Korean Regiments hastily withdrew from the area."
Those are nice and all, but we have them too. And better ones.

I'm agreeing with everything Biz_Z is saying.

Our troops have combat experience now, which (correct me if i'm wrong) this generation of Chinese does not have.

For any modern conflict with the US, look at the kill ratio. Its insanely biased in our favor.

And once we have dominance of the air and sea, we will fully utilize air support ect.

here s a some articles supporting some of my posts and some for this post

True, combat experience does help but if u click on the vietnam-war link you ll find that even with the high kill ratio size does matter. As u propblably know china has the largest army in the world and is being well trained for that speacial day when tensions between the usa break and diplomacy doesnt seem to be an option. China's military is designed to defend it's border and storm the beaches of taiwan. THe US is trained to attack. When it comes to ground warfare the advantage clearly goes to china out numbering US troops 5-1. Although in the past US speacial forces have always seemed to be hi-tech killing machines against their enemies the chinese have only recently begun training their troops and updating them in every possible scenerio incase such an event occurs. The question isn't combat experience. It's willingness.

In the past many young american we re drafted into the war. Hundreads, Thousands were killed but the north vietnamese took in millions of casulties. So why didnt they surender and give up? because of their willingness to unify their country. Many young americans didnt have a choice they were told that they have to fight for their country and defend their freedom but many questioned the real reason for the war (hippies, Activist etc.) giving young soldiers to ask them selves Y?

If a war broke out for taiwan many young soldiers will be asking themselves the same questions while well-trained PLA armies will be fighting to reunify their country.
You know, I hope I'm not repeating anyone, but some people ask me why Pakistan is so terrified of India. Its simply because their comparative populations are proportional to the China vs the USA scenario, only they have a much worse diplomatic history together and a common border. How nervous would we be if we had a border with China I wonder?
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