WWIII Thread

I dunno. Nuke Free I'm thinking... (Reactors but not bombs)

I totally agree. No nuke bombs!

General, put the H-bombs away....now. Where? How the **** should I know? Put it in Hudson, buried in Yukon or something.
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heheheheh...... But remember, we have a pact, so it REALLY sucks to be not me, not TOG, and not TI. This is gonna be fun....
I can't believe we never made it to Alaska. Well, at least we must secure Siberia across the Bering Straits.
Arrrgh.... your funny looking animals are no match for my Bikini Battalions.
Has anyone taken Antarctica yet? The stupid map still won't load for me. :( Annnnnd I'm too lazy to go back through the posts and check. :)
i think i claimed it.

wait, no.


i just sent the remainder of my ninja penguins to capture antarctica. with a battalion of baresark bears!
Yo, TOG, do you mind if you could change my empire's name? Republic of Foxnda? Por Favor?