Women and Guns


Active member
One of the great ironies in life is that the portion of humanity that would most benefit from knowing how to use firearms -- women -- don't like them. Obviously this is not a universal truth, but why do so many women have a severe avoidance issue with guns? If a stalker or rapist knows that his victim is armed and dangerous, I think it greatly diminishes his motivation to pursue said woman.

What are everyone else's thoughts?

That is an instructor in the Israeli sniper school...And yes, under all that camo and gear, its a she....
Well, the majority of girls here are military, so I doubt they have issues with it, but I believe all of you know what I mean, right? Guns are "a guy thing" or "scary" or "feel wrong" or whatever.

The sniper school instructor looks kinda cute but its hard to tell through all the face-paint. She is not part of the problem I'm talking about.
I do understand, but I think a lot of that comes from the way they were raised and so on down the line, mother, daughter, mother daughter. More of a maternal thing maybe, dont really know this one. Good question though.
The answer: testosterone. Girls dont have it and are as violent as guys so they tend to not like football and firearms or blood and guts for that matter.
I don't think you'll find as many women who are passionate about firearms the way men can be......even if they are proficient at handling them. Maybe it is something in our girly hard-wiring! LOL
I think this is a cultural and and therefore educational 'problem'. Most cultures are some kind of patriarchal societies which means that men are responsible for hunting and protecting his family. That is where guns, or weapons in general, are used.
So guns are considered man's stuff.

Like on the opposite, only few (heterosexual ;) ) men are interested in cooking, making clothes and stuff like that. It is all just a question of education
Nothin like sterotyping is there ;)

I know several females who are more than proficient with firearms. Do they read Guns & Ammo ? No. Can they group better than alot of guys? Yep. My 15 year old daughter shoots better than 30% of the guys I work with.
Just because their female does not mean they have no intrest in firearms.

BTW Bootyboy I make a mean Menudo. ;)
Of course, there are exceptions but what i posted is still a common role model in most parts of the world.

This is neither meant good or bad, it's just my subjeective personal point of view :)
Bootboy82 said:
Of course, there are exceptions but what i posted is still a common role model in most parts of the world.

This is neither meant good or bad, it's just my subjeective personal point of view :)

Alot of it is not so necessarily stereotypical. I was just involved in a study that worked with children aged 2-7. And exposing them to 'boy toys' and 'girl toys', putting them in different play groups, all boy, all girl, then mixed. So much of what is considered typical male and female roles is not sterotyping, or taught. It just is. What is taught is trans-gender preferences. Not that there is anything wrong with it. But for instance, a female child who is never exposed to a firearm growing up, is very unlikely to take interest in one as an adult, even if presented the opportunity. A male child will normally become interested once presented the opportunity.

Whether we were created, or if we came about by some sort of evolution, one thing is quite clear. Each gender has an important role to play in the family. And some of the preferences that people show have everything to do with that role. I am by no means saying that one should not step out of what is typically the role of thier gender....I am just saying there is nothing wrong with one who does not. So if a woman hates firearms, and a man can't cook....there isn't a thing wrong with it.

On the original statement regarding women, firearms and personal safety. IMO a person has to have the heart, or the balls or whatever you want to call it to actually use a firearm, even when in grave danger. Put a firearm in the hands of a person who does not have that..they will not use it. And IMO, the most important thing where women and personal safety is concerned is prevention. Being aware, as any person should be, of how to keep yourself out of danger, is the best defense.

And, for the record, I know how to use a weapon, I own a weapon.
the_13th_redneck said:
Tomboys can be quite fun ;)

Yes they can! Trust me, I know :-p

Also, a majority of the greatest snipers/assasins are women. The Russians had MANY women on the front lines and many female snipers.

But the truth is, yes, most women have an avoidance issue with them.
Personally I have found that most women are better shots than their male counterparts. Try talking your significant other into going out shooting with you and then teach her the basic fundamentals of marksmanship and give them an hour and you will see that they are very good shots unless they are scared of the weapon. They have a level of concentration that not all of us men have. I wish I could find the scientific explanation for this but I can't so.......
I don't know Sgt.....

I have been shooting for years. And my son can run circles around me.....with both his Sig 9mm and his .45. He has only been shooting since joining the military.
that cooking sterotype isn't very good think about famous chef's.... emeril....that other fat guy. either way teh point is chef's are a tad more male dominated
Well, its not so much that women do not Obsesss about guns and firearms on the whole. I can see the corollation with testosterone being a factor perhaps. Its more the fact that probably a significant majority of women are unwilling to learn how to use it, get liscenced and carry one on their person. The confusing thing to me is that the gender who has more need of self defense can't seem to get past their avoidence issues in far too many cases.
Well, when I was in the reserves before I joined reg force as an officer, there were 33 of us in a section and the marksmanship award went to a female. I think a lot of women are generally afraid of guns because of the "traditional" point of view. Women never really handled guns that much in the past. It's changing now, but slowly.