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Yeah, the jackass who started spamming it out in emails sure rattled everyone. Why are people so gullible?
Lupos said:I actually went around asking people in my school the other day. All but three kids said that they believe Bush would reinstate the draft if reelected. One even went to the extent to tell me that since Bush SCARED us into Iraq, he would SCARE us into a draft.
The Other Guy said:never EVER EVER want to serve in the millitary.
Damien435 said:I think that the draft is good for society, a person can learn alot from military service, if they are willing, an unwilling participant will only be a thorn in the military and they will likely take away the wrong messge.
Doody said:It seems that 55% of American teens think that they will be drafted into military service in the near future.
I don't think the draft is a possibility...what do you all think?
drilldownmaster2004 said:it may be a scare, but i don't remember the dem's telling us about Bush planning to reinstate the draft
What's that? You, in the back row. Could you repeat the question, please?
Oh. The email you read stated that Congress is already considering two such bills, and that the Bush administration is quietly pushing them through?
You're speaking of Senate Bill 89, introduced by Senator Ernest F. Hollings (D-SC), and House Resolution 163, introduced by Representative Charles B. Rangel (D-NY). Both bills would require two years of military service (or community service for those who are medically unqualified) for every male and female in the United States, between the ages of 18 and 26.
These are the only two "draft" legislation bills which are currently active. First and foremost, please note that both bills were authored and introduced by Democrats, not Republicans. Senator Hollings and Mr. Rangel introduced the legislation over a year ago (January 2003), as a means of protest against a potential invasion of Iraq. Congress immediately stuck them "in committee" to die (that's what Congress does with bills that have absolutely no chance of passing). The two bills have languished there, ever since, with absolutely no action being taken.
Both bills would require every single male and female between the ages of 18 and 26 to serve two years in the military (or community service). Rangel's version has just 14 co-sponsors, and Holling's bill has no support at all. Folks, these bills have ZERO chances of passing. More about this idiocy, later.
Added Note: To help stop the on-going rumors about a draft, the House of Representatives pulled HR 163 out of committee (where it had been languishing untouched for over a year), and subjected it to a full floor vote on October 5, 2004. The bill was soundly defeated by a vote of 402 to 2 (that means it's forever dead, folks). Interestingly, even the congressman who introduced the legislation, Representative Charles B. Rangel (D-NY), voted against it.
There are no other draft-related bills currently pending. None. Zero, Nada, Zippo.
Any more questions about these bills? No? Good, let's continue. The Bush Administration has stated over and over and over again that they have no plans to re-institute a draft, that they don't think a draft is necessary, and they don't believe a draft would even be effective with the type of military we have today. Ladies and gentlemen, they couldn't have made their views any clearer. The current administration is against a draft. They have said so, publicly, and loudly, at least 100 times. It's that simple. (For just one example, see related story).
One of the programs that Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry has expounded on, indicating that (under a Bush presidency) a draft is necessary, is the use of "Stop Loss." When "Stop Loss" is in effect, members of the military are not allowed to separate or retire, during the period of the "Stop Loss." "They have effectively used a stop-loss policy as a backdoor draft," Kerry said.
I've got news for the senator -- Stop Loss has been going on now for 14 years. It was first widely used by President Bush (senior) during the first Gulf War, and was extensively implemented by President Clinton for both Bosnia and Kosovo. Bush (junior) implemented it for Afghanistan and Iraq. The "Stop Loss" in effect today is the minimum ever implemented. It affects a soldier only if he or she has been notified of an upcoming deployment. In other words, if a soldier is told he/she is scheduled to deploy, then he/she cannot separate or retire until after the deployment is complete.
(from the site Egoz posted)