Will Russia one day join NATO


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or will it one day join EU?

Why Europeans treat Russia quite different than all other European countries.

Is there already a Slavic nation inside EU?

What do you think.
Its mostly a matter of what Russia wants to do. The Russian people would have to overcome some deep set prejudices they feel against NATO before it could ever happen. As far as the EU? I don't have my finger on the pulse of Russian public opinion, but I'd be willing to bet anything that they think -- "Western European nonsense. Worse yet, Germany is a big part of it. Down with the EU and their imperialist designs!!"

You never know what the future holds though.
I think Russia will want to make a turnaround and become its own center of influence. I don't think they want to crawl into an organization with headquarters in some foreign country that actually yields a lot of authority.
It's very hard for me to belive that Russia would like to be part of NATO or EU. It's still the enemy for the general public over there, I think.

In EU we got some former WP countries. All the Baltic states, Poland and some more. I don't remember right now but we got I think nine more members this year. Russia didn't like that at all. The Baltic states also joined NATO at that really upset mother Russia.. They didn't like that squadron of F16 that got deploey to one of the countries the same day they joined.
Russia is technicly part of NATO already, however they are only on a very very very very very low low low low low part of it.

The way i see it Russia will not last much longer at this rate. I see Russia one day being slit up. Then most likly the The New Western Parts will join NATO. However They may one day be forced to join the EU if things keep up. After all America is renting out our Ambassadors Mansion in Moscow for 3 US dollers a year Now.
I can't see Russia ever as a part of NATO. The Soviet tradition is still a huge factor in politics and they still see themselves as a major power which they undoubtedly are, although at a lot lesser extent. Regular Russians would see joining NATO as the ultimate bitchslap since at one point they were capable of marching across western Europe.

They might co-operate if it's in their interest but never as a full-time member.
They may however eventualy the USSR Generation will one day die off. they are the ones who urn to Return to the Glory days of he USSR, and right now that is the Generation running the Government. However in about 30 years the first Generation of Non-USSR Civilians will begin to rule in the Russian Government. They may not have such a hate for the West and relise it will do them good to join.
Russia is turning into an autocracy. Putin will be there for a long time. Given the current situation there is no way Russia could join NATO, even if they wanted it. That is if NATO stands up to its principles - the UN charter.

Members of the EU? - Not likely in the near future...

I see an independent Russia going its own, not always pleasant but successful way, with strong economical ties to Europe and China and politically pretty much isolated. It will remain a wildcard with its veto in the security council of the UN though.
I could see russia joining NATO. They're cooperating with the allied nations in more ways than one.
They do take part on the PFF exercises mainly the rescue part. I think it's there way to see what going on and how things are done in NATO. I'm sorry if I offend any Russians here but I live to close and I don't trust them at all.
No, I don't think so. Russia will probably grow to healthy and to big to be a part of EU or a military allience where they not call the shots.
Russia today well they are making a huge misstake if they would join the EU, they have allready have a really tought time with the economy and as a member of the EU they would probably be in even worse situation. I have not experianced one singel benefit with the EU membership since we went in to that club. But I am not rich, I am not a farmer and I am not running my own company or any company and I have no work to worry about and I have never in my life had one day vacation. I think that EU is a big extension of the UN that only trys do be a alternative insidious more leftwing wannabe U.S state. And it would break down in to nothing if their would be a great war of some kind. It is a very weak and naiv business portal to the middle east but above all to asia. I dont fear Russia any longer though. I am more afraid of the EU to be honest. :lol:


Trevor said:
I could see russia joining NATO. They're cooperating with the allied nations in more ways than one.

I can too. The days of Russia being a Superpower are long gone and Russia have big problems with a huge black market economy that's more healthy than the official one. I think it's good for Russia to be in NATO and bound to the West. Like the Allies did to Germany after WW2. Keep 'em close and it's harder for 'em to cause trouble. I foresee even more break-up as more and more ethnic regions break off and go it alone. Chechnya will one day be independent - it's inevitable.