I'm in also.
We must think of a name for our Evil organisation.....
I know.....F.E.A.R. or T.E.R.R.O.R., maybe even H.A.R.M. or simply P.A.I.N.
First we must buy some little Tropical island, or invade it and confiscate it(it's much easier and cheaper... And I hate papirologies...sheeesh...).
We must make a sculpture to be our "greeting" sign...what do You think about big skull? We must plant Marihuana, and than sell it( how do You think we are about to finance our Evil organisation?....lol)
So financing problem's solved.
We must build a sub-pen, build lot's of subs and ships, to rival the US 6th fleet....
We must build an airport, and have lot's of aircraft....
We must make living quarters... Nice climatized offices, with hi-tech stuff, must be gray and shiny(to let the world know that we are serious)
Than we must also buy big house in swiss alps(to make coctails & stuff like that....... and chicks love that romantic stuff, especially when it's out of town, make 'em nice dinner with candles while it's snowing outside.....)
I must have very sexy secretary from 16-30years old.... :twisted:
We must make a toilet paper factory, legal cover for our top-secret evil stuff....
We must buy a nuclear weapon(or any kind of WMD), I suggest from some ex-soviet republic(I hear they sell them for one brand new BMW)
We must kill Bin Laden(in any way, that b**ch is going to die..buahahahaha...), to take over the terrorist monopol.
We must link to some secret society, like Illuminati, for extra funding...(that means watchin' our back from Lady Croft, we must catch her alive, Folks, alive!
I have some other plans for her...:evil laugh: )
And after everything this, and I'll think of some good plans more, we can start terrorising the world! Buahahahahahahahaah...:evil laugh again:...(We'll start from Fiji)