Who commit the Worst War Crime of ALL

I would offer up the leaders of both the US and USSR during the cold war for the lives lost in the balance. The numbers of people killed as a way to silence opposition of the governments of both countries satelites as well as the innocence lost. But then that would be an extremely liberal bleeding heart kind of thing to do... so instead I will say the worst war crimes were committed by England in India following the Sepoy Mutiny.
bulldogg said:
so instead I will say the worst war crimes were committed by England in India following the Sepoy Mutiny.

Worse than a systematic destruction of an entire people?

The worst war crimes was the Nazi's attempt to wipe out an entire racial subspecies during WW2. Not just the Jews but the Slavic peoples as well. They literally processed them like slaughtered animals - for example, soap for the Wehrmacht was made from the fat of Jewish unfortunates. The other horrific things they did are well documented.

Hitler got into power through many factors but mainly because he came along when the country was in turmoil and were crying out for someone to restore their dignity and pride. He could have came into power in any country with the right sorts of economic and social problems.
In my opinion the SS-Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger and SS Division Totenkopf - known for their brutality. The Totenkopf Division had their first crime of war within a week of their initial commitment in France; where they killed 97 out of 99 British officers (and men of the Royal Norfolk Regiment) with machine gun fire after they had surrendered. To survived.

Dirlewanger was known for not taking things too easily and perhaps best known for their brutality during the Warzaw uprise in 1944.
Just daring to be different Doppleganger, I bore of discussing the same atrocities and incidences of genocide. To be honest I believe the slave trade of the 17th to 19th centuries inflicted far more damage and death than the Nazis or Stalin's purges yet this does not fall under the definition of war crimes unfortunately so it would be going far afield. And also it seems to be conveniently forgotten unlike those inflicted upon humans of a more familiar shade... but I digress.
Nazis have that one all locked up.

Whether you look at it form numbers, or intent, or crazy sh*t (their science experiments) it doesn't matter. Nazis sweep all catagories.
I think WWII Germany and Japan are pretty close rivals. Japan for their cruelty in China, Korea, the Philippines, and every other country they took prisoner. As for Germany, they can't be beaten on sheer numbers alone. The extermination camps were very efficient.
sunb! said:
In my opinion the SS-Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger and SS Division Totenkopf - known for their brutality. The Totenkopf Division had their first crime of war within a week of their initial commitment in France; where they killed 97 out of 99 British officers (and men of the Royal Norfolk Regiment) with machine gun fire after they had surrendered. To survived.

Dirlewanger was known for not taking things too easily and perhaps best known for their brutality during the Warzaw uprise in 1944.
It's true that Waffen SS units commited war crimes. So did the German, Soviet, American and UK Armies, especially the first two in the cauldron of the Eastern Front. In fact the German Wehrmacht probably commited more war crimes in WW2 than the Waffen SS did (because they were a much larger organisation). And what the Japanese Imperial Army did in WW2 was almost as bad as the worst of Nazism.

However, do not confuse what the Waffen SS did on the battlefield with what the General SS under Himmler did in the concentration camps. The two cannot be compared in any reasonable way. The Waffen SS were brutal, fanatical soldiers who killed prisoners, burned villages and on occasion shot civilians. But they were by and large professional soldiers and very good ones at that. The General SS literally processed human beings in their millions for animal feed, soap, candles, leather and so on. They were not soldiers in any measurable way.
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Doppleganger said:
In fact the German Wehrmacht probably commited more war crimes in WW2 than the Waffen SS did (because they were a much larger organisation).

Wasn't it so that the Wehrmacht "hated" the Waffen SS due to their brutality and unhumanity on the battle field both for enemy soldiers and civilians?
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The Rape of Nanking deserves honorable mention. It wasn't on the magnitude of the German's Holocaust, but it was just as horrific. In six weeks, the Japanese murdered about 300,000 Chinese civilians and over raped 20,000 women, most of them killed shortly after.
Whispering Death said:
Yeah, well, America firebombed Tokyo resulting in 550,000 civilian deaths.

We're talking about numbers in the millions. Also, that firebombing and Hiroshima and Nagasaki saved millions of lives on both sides.
sunb! said:
Wasn't it so that the Wehrmacht "hated" the Waffen SS due to their brutality and unhumanity on the battle field both for enemy soldiers and civilians?

Well there was a lot of suspicion and distrust between the Waffen SS and the Wehrmacht initially. The Waffen SS were not highly regarded by Army Commanders in the beginning until they showed their mettle in combat. Thereafter they became highly prized as shock troops and a lot of the suspicion melted away. Many of the Army units (the rank and file soldier or the not particularly zealous Nazis for example) would have been unnerved and even disgusted by the intensity and lack of compassion of the premier Waffen SS formations in battle but many of the Army Panzer formations were as equally intense in combat, particularly because they (usually) had top-class commanders urging them on.

The intensity of the conflict in Russia dehumanized both sides quite quickly and acts that may have disgusted them in peacetime did not even cause them to blink an eye. Like killing helpless civilians because you couldn't be bothered to guard them for example. And in this the Wehrmacht were just as involved as the Waffen SS, although it's true that many of the Wehrmacht units would have played no part in war crimes at all.
Yeah, well, America firebombed Tokyo resulting in 550,000 civilian deaths

Not going to see any tears from me, Of course german genocide has to be up there along with some of Japans attrocities.

btw whispering were did you get that 555,000 number my history book says 300 thousand Japanese civilains killed total.
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I don't think you can make some of these comparisons. War in itself is an atrocity. But, the killing off of an entire race and bombing a city are two completely different things.
Rabs said:
btw whispering were did you get that 555,000 number my history book says 300 thousand jap civilains killed total.

History Channel special on history's deadliest weapons, that section was on the firebomb.
I would say that the worst genocide was Japan's Rape and Massacre of Asia. for someone youre age, killed 30 million Chinese, 1Million Koreans, and million of other ethnic groups in Asia, Stating that they were liberating Asia from Westernism. Very nasty things: Head chopping contests, Throwing Babies in air and impaling them with bayonets, stabbing bayonets in women's genitals until they died. ripping open stomaches of men, women and children and pulling their organs out and exposing them while they were fully concious, and last but not least, force sons to sleep with mother, fathers to sleep with daughters, and those who resisted were shot.
The Japanese also commited plundering and arson as well.

I have posted Pictures

Warning: MAy contain horrific and gruesome scenes.
Warning: Images deleted. See above reasons.
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I saw these Obvious at the WWII museum in Lushun... not too sure if they fall within the bounds of the rules here about posting pictures of a graphic nature you might wanna ask a mod.