What would the world be like if Germany won World War II?


Active member
- The Jews will become extinct.
- Germany will control half the globe.
- Facist government would be dominant over democracy and communism.
- The USSR would not exist.
- China and Korea would be controlled by Japan.

What gets to my mind is the Adolf Hitler statement on Scandinavians [...] not being "true" Aryans and should be deported after the war; as they are [...] good workers and useful to a certain point but not welcome in the 3rd reich.

I guess we would have been in a world of violence more than today :x
German language
Good beer
Efficent workforce
look Miserable
All support michael schumacher
No jews
Statues of Hitler everywhere

Not a very good world (apart from the beer)
There was a TV movie about this staring Rutger Hauer, I thought it wasn't bad.

It was set in the 60's they had the US and Germany as the two superpowers in cold war instead of the USSR. Joseph P. Kennedy was president, and Hitler was already getting old. The US had won the war against Japan, and Germany was still fighting a 20 year guerilla war with the Russians but they controlled most of the country.

The new Europe under the Nazi's was showed as pretty bleak, total uniformity every where including clothing, SS markings and Nazi symbols over everything. No a very good world to live in, Gestapo everywhere.
Re: Hmmmm

sunblock said:
What gets to my mind is the Adolf Hitler statement on Scandinavians [...] not being "true" Aryans and should be deported after the war; as they are [...] good workers and useful to a certain point but not welcome in the 3rd reich.

I guess we would have been in a world of violence more than today :x

Really? I didnt know that he would have us deported.
Where did you get this information from?
I personally believe that if the Germans would've won, it wouldn't have taken that long for them to fall from power. After they'd killed the jews, what purpose would the Nazis have anymore?

PS: The Schumacher thing bugs me too
i would believe it would have turned into an administrative version of helll...with everyone speaking german of course. JMO :D
I disagree with the world In in Chaos part and they would have fallen from power...I will now play the role of Nazi Defense Lawyer :lol: :lol:

Whenever a Powerful empire falls from its place in the world people go back and point out how bad they were. From what we know the Nazi's were pretty far advanced with some of thier plans becoming new weapons we use today ( B-2 is a good example and so is our Ballistic Missiles and A-10 I believe) They were far advanced with thier military, If it hadn't been for Hitlers ego they would have had a Nuclear weapon before us but he decided he would win europe without it. If Hitler had won, Then Most Liky He would have not stopped at Russia. he would have most likly went down through Turkey and started fighting the former british empire in The Middle east ( This is due to the fact if Hitler won Britian would be the largest slave island). Hitler then would have probably come up and went through the center of Russia agian. ( if it wasn't for America thier is no denying Russia would have most likly fallen). and Knowing Hitlers ego he would have ran right through china and attacked His allie's in japan. . This is on the Eastern Front. In Africa he probably would have pushed down, not with tanks and men but with Bombers and he would attack the the peopel directly. Then send in an occupation force (remeber back then Modern African Weapons were basicly a stick,stone and a knife). After Hitler had taken and took what he wanted from Africa he most likly would have finished Switzerland off, And Most Likly in the late 50's or early 60s right now Hitler would finaly take on America. From Both the Atalantic and Pacific Front's Basicly Boxing America in ( we know as of now the germans had plans to build a long range bomber and bomb NYC, als Nazi Personnal were actualy in NYC planning on an attack during WW2.) Since America at that time would have never got thier military truly built up because they would have not truly enetered the Europe war they would have thier butts kicked and we would be singing the Praises to Hitlers Daughter...( Another Historian Thingy people believed Hitler had a daughter because of pictures found.) Remember also Hitler just now turned 115 like last year so he would have ruled into at least the early 80's.....

Okay I am now off of the Nazi's Defense....
Maybe the world would have been a better place... Germany got it's foothold in controlling the people, after maybe 20-30 years it would settle down... Maybe after 50 no would care anymore... And after Hitler, about 50 more years down the road, no one would realize countries like the U.S.S.R existed... Perhaps Nirvana? :roll:
....Come on every one Hitler has one living realtive left lets let him rule Germany and see how it turns out.