What was the last thing you ate?


(they are crunchy chocolate biscuits/cookies with a puddle of chocolate icing and half a walnut - yum! )

Current temperature -20C (4F below) snowing
The very last thing I put in my mouth was an Andes Mint Chocolate. Why? Because I didn't have my toothbrush right after dinner - duh! :D
I just had pollo con mole poblano y arroz (chicken with a sauce made of chocolate, chili, cloves and tomato, with rice).:rockin:

No aguacate (avocado) or banana to go with it, though:?
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wow, thats a first..lol....I love mole too, especially with home made corn tortillas yum..:)

I make it from scratch. I haven't yet tried making homemade corn tortillas. Do you have a good recipe? (I know it's the subtle differences that count).:D
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I ate hamburgers

Hmmm, come on down and get some, I got 16 in the freezer right now, I know that ain't a lot but we can have potatoes and cornbread with em
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I'll pass on the burger Wolen, but I'll do squirrlies any time and any weather!
Just finished having fried steelhead trout and shrimp....for breakie.
How about Rabbits? I'm eating one of those right now as a snack before supper. Animal right activists are gonna hate me when they find out what my supper is :) And what itme last month it died.