What in All Hell is This?

Courtenay said:
Oh geesh guys. Read up on where both men stand. What they want for this country, and pick one. And quit complaining about how they both suck. There is no such thing as a perfect President.

I love ya Courtenay. LoL, not really, But you are so dead on right. Come to think of it, theres no such thing as a perfect person either. What a consept, man is fallable, bet thats a new idea.
TheSunsetSniper said:
Courtenay said:
Oh geesh guys. Read up on where both men stand. What they want for this country, and pick one. And quit complaining about how they both suck. There is no such thing as a perfect President.

Thanks for your input. Now here is my opinion...

As a person who has not been of age at the last voting year, i felt a little left out. I did some research and talked to my teachers and found that Bush had lied straight up and people have lied for him, and this upset me. Then i discovered that Kerry has done the same. I've officially decided that there are two sides to each election. There is the political side, and the advertisement side. I don't pay attention to the TV or Radio and instead I have begun to research the candidates from internal and external views and discovered that what they say they want is not necessarily true. This is especially easy to prove with Bush, since he has a history as the president. For example (key word, example), he may say that we wants to lower the countries debt, when he has actually put us in the hole deeper.

I do not want to say anything for or against either candidates so i tried not to state either of their views (because i am severely biased), i hope you can forgive me.

I think what some people have neglected to take into consideration where Bush is concerned and our country's debt and job problems is the fact that 9/11 happened on his watch. Something he had no control over.
Job losses in the travel, tourism, transportation and manufacturing were lost due to the financial devastation of those industries following the 9/11 attacks. The recovery of this country in employment and new job creation is actually almost miraculous considering where it was 6 months post 9/11.

Several things have brought our country deeper in debt post 9/11 besides the war in Iraq. All of the changes that had to occur as part of the effort to insure homeland security cost MONEY and lots of it. Billions of dollars had to go into the necessary progra

ms, that could not have been planned for or foreseen prior to 9/11. Where the Iraq war is concerned, yes, it is costing a truckload of money. But news today out of Iraq today, and Al-Zarqawi's militant group's vow of allegience with Bin Laden in the effort to iradicate those they consider infidels, should remind us of how dangerous Iraq was under Saddam's rule. People like Al-Zarqawi fled to Iraq under Saddam's protection. The WMD business is old news.....
well i wish we had a third choice in oklahoma..if nothing else to allow the disenters the right to express themselves..but no.

Naders petition was rejected as not containing enough or the right names. and for the first time in a long time..there is no third choice on our ballots.

and the machines have been programmed..that if there are no clear choices in all the boxes..the vote is rejected and you have to take the vote slip to a poll worker for clarification.

well in oklahoma..once a poll worker..who works in your neighborhood..knows what happened the story goes around..and its three years of hell from the neighbors for your refusal to make a choice.

you just have to love the situation.... :D at least when i voted absentee ballot for my former state..i always had the the ability to vote my consience.