Active member
As we all get older things start happening to us that are unexpected which can often have a negative impact on our lifestyles.
Some are expected, like soldiers having trouble with knees, ankles and hips from tabbing long distances carrying your kit or for the airborne amongst you, damaged knees from jumping out of aeroplanes. Add to this the injuries people get from sporting activities and you can see why the super fit healthy person you were aged 20 is now a wreck aged 50.
There are the unexpected though. I have managed 5 MI's and 8 NSTEMI in 7 years despite being fairly fit. I have had numerous cardiac ablations and angio procedures but to look at me it would be difficult to see that I was actually ill. Recently, 2 weeks ago, I had surgery to fix an AV Fistula to my femoral artery in my right groin, followed by a massive infection and cellulitis, I'm home now still hobbling about but still with a wound that is leaking pus which luckily doesn't smell. I shall be seeing my doctor tomorrow because the infection is still there after 2 weeks and i might need some antibiotics. It's also easier to get the dressing changed there for at least once anyway.
So this got me thinking to what ails any of the old and bold on here, young too, and how much of a hindrance do you consider it. I myself just plod on and do whatever I can until the time I can't, then I will do something else.
Some are expected, like soldiers having trouble with knees, ankles and hips from tabbing long distances carrying your kit or for the airborne amongst you, damaged knees from jumping out of aeroplanes. Add to this the injuries people get from sporting activities and you can see why the super fit healthy person you were aged 20 is now a wreck aged 50.
There are the unexpected though. I have managed 5 MI's and 8 NSTEMI in 7 years despite being fairly fit. I have had numerous cardiac ablations and angio procedures but to look at me it would be difficult to see that I was actually ill. Recently, 2 weeks ago, I had surgery to fix an AV Fistula to my femoral artery in my right groin, followed by a massive infection and cellulitis, I'm home now still hobbling about but still with a wound that is leaking pus which luckily doesn't smell. I shall be seeing my doctor tomorrow because the infection is still there after 2 weeks and i might need some antibiotics. It's also easier to get the dressing changed there for at least once anyway.
So this got me thinking to what ails any of the old and bold on here, young too, and how much of a hindrance do you consider it. I myself just plod on and do whatever I can until the time I can't, then I will do something else.