Upload your images to MilitaryImages.Net

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New Member
Why not visit http://www.militaryimages.net
You can upload your images directly to the webmaster for inclusion on our site. If you do not see a category that fits your image you can suggest one and it will be created. we currently have approx 500 images in our database and have at least another 1000 waiting to be included, we are trying to do this as soon as possible. The site also has a Discussion Forum where you can discuss anything military, including military photography and photography in general.
the site is at phase one and will be developed further within the next year to add more content and automated features.
It is a fast growing website which can only improve.
the Forum is a new feature and has only a few registered users, we hope this improves as time goes by. we strongly encourage people from all over the world to post articles on our forum and images to our database, at the moment it appears to be dominated by the USA and UK although we do have images from Holland, saudi arabia and a small assortment of other countries.
I hope you visit our site and if you do I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to pass any comments about our site directly to the webmaster.

Thanks MilitaryImages.Net :P

Thanks for that buddy, and thanks for looking.
I see you are busy on the forum, it would be nice if you could register with my forumm we need someone like you to give it a kick start.

No problem, one question though about your site. Are the pictures you ask to be uploaded suppose to be from our personal collection or can we also upload military photoes found throughout the internet?

Preferably images uploade should be from private collections, however we do accept images that are considered to be 'in the public domain' if you find an image that you would like to upload on another site you could ask the webmaster for permission.
Further information can be found on our about page and terms and conditions page about image uploading

Looks very good.

Images of Military hardware are always great to look at.. :D

Thanks a lot for linking to military-quotes.com.
You can go to the links section of my site and add your site there if you want.
All non-commercial sites are welcome. :D

I have several images (Arty) that I'll upload to you later.

Just one thing about you site: It's a bit slow to load (it could be my connection....).... :(
your comments

Thanks for your positive comments about our site and we look forward to receiving your Artillery images. With regard to your comment about the site loading slowly, i will look into it but yours is the first mention of this.

I take it that you have seen your link on our site, I hope it is ok for you. i will link place a link with you asap.

By the way I was a British Artillerymen for 12 years, "Gunners do it with a Bang"


I worked in the Battery Command post mostly as a Arty Signaller, I have done some OP work aswell.
I served in the Gulf War 1 with 2nd Field Regt Royal Artillery 23 Battery.
I left the service in 1994.
Like Redleg said, it's always nice to look at military hardware.
The only suggestion I have (and it may be a moot point due to bandwidth restrictions or other things I don't understand :lol: ) is to try to put up some larger/higher quality images, ones that you could use for say a wallpaper. Once I get back home in a few days, I have about 50 mb of pretty decent quality stuff, and I'll send it your way.
high res

good idea, i will certainly consider your suggestion, and I will look foraward to receiving your images.

Have a fantastic and prosperous New year.

i guess it did work since its still up and running :)

(decided to bring back a really old thread :twisted: )