U.S. Guerilla tactics


Active member
Through the course of recent real life events in Iraq and Afghanistan, and through the research I've conducted for my novel. I am wondering if the U.S. would be able to put together a realistic effort into it's own guerilla tactics, if the country was invaded. What I am asking is, what do you feel is the likihood of the U.S. being able to mount a sufficient defense, in the event the U.S. is invaded, and control of the country were to fall in to enemy hands? Would the U.S. employ tactics such as those used in Iraq and Afghanistan?

I apologize if this post makes no sense. I will clarify as best I can, if need be.

The US Army SF are very good alot of units train at small unit tactics. General population? I'd say in rural areas you might get a fair amount of resistance. Urban areas would be different more bombings etc.
03USMC said:
The US Army SF are very good alot of units train at small unit tactics. General population? I'd say in rural areas you might get a fair amount of resistance. Urban areas would be different more bombings etc.

How could any nation occupy U.S. as a whole. I mean, not just the size of the country but the number of large cities?

I should think American citizens, more than anybody, would be ready and able to wage a guerilla war. A rebellion needs a cause, people and the euqipment - voila!

I, personally, believe that no country is impervious to invasion. If the right force comes along, and they have the motivation and scheme to pull it off, just about anything can happen.

For the purpose of the first novel in my series, the U.S. will not be completely captured. It will be a case similar to what happened in Iraq. The government will be as a whole toppled, leaving remanants to band together and mount a resistance of some sort.

I asked the question about if the U.S. would be able to effectively mount a campaign of guerilla warfare, because of what is going in in Afghanistan and Iraq. To some, not saying me, our lack of control over the insurgents could signify a lack of understanding of guerilla warfare, and I was curious to see what everyone thought would be possible from our country, given it has been taken over, and how effective we'd be able to fight.

I think a US occupation would be interesting. I'd like to see how those gang members with all those automatic weapons handle themselves in that situation. I don't expect them to come out and be patriotic or anything, but with someone shooting back at them with similar weapons I wonder how they would fight.
Take a walk around Manhattan... and don't forget to take a walk on the riversides as well. Look into the city and ask yourself, "how the hell am I going to take this if I was ordered to?"
no i dont belive they will be able to because congress would not be able to stomach the things they need to do to succeed. if they didn't have that then yes, they would probably be quite good at it, given correct training and equipment
i think in a situation where the US was being occupied Congress would have no other choice but to stomach the possible casualties and give it the full effort of the US.

now, let's say someone were to occupy the US. in a country where the citizens have the right to bear arms and nearly 1/3 of all guns in the world are located in the US, i wonder how chaotic that would get? we can't assume all gun owners are trained properly to use their firearms, and we definitely can't assume they will be effective in countering any insurgency. would the citizens completely leave all fighting up to the military and police even though they have the right to defend themselves also? how would domestic terrorists act, like the white supremacy groups? would they see it as their chance to get what they want? this isn't 1776 anymore and allowing militias to rise up could cause more problems. this isn't just a matter of an external forces occupying the US, there are internal enemies as well that could aid either side. it's almost sounding like the fall of rome.

i think this is a really good topic because it puts first world citizens in the shoes of the citizens of the countries that we currently occupy. at the same time it seems very unrealistic. the forces needed to occupy the US would have to be enormous, just look at what we need to occupy Iraq.
Re: Occupation

"To some, not saying me, our lack of control over the insurgents could signify a lack of understanding of guerilla warfare, and I was curious to see what everyone thought would be possible from our country, given it has been taken over, and how effective we'd be able to fight."

The idea of the guerilla warfare is to strike suddenly when unexpected and cause casualties and damage, then as suddenly disappear before enemy reacts. Guerilla the invisible enemy.

"now, let's say someone were to occupy the US. in a country where the citizens have the right to bear arms and nearly 1/3 of all guns in the world are located in the US, i wonder how chaotic that would get? we can't assume all gun owners are trained properly to use their firearms, and we definitely can't assume they will be effective in countering any insurgency."

Lot of weapons in citizens hands cause only problems to invader. Should consider twice is it wice to invade a country full of armed and angry people along defending army.
Urban warfare is a different story to a normal war obv. people will know this.

Uk has a long history with urban warfare, just look at N.ire

I know we ain't "the best" but we certainly do have alot of training and experience. I know the uk mil. has started more training on us mil for our urban warfare and our RF(Response force aka close protection training for the navy) as the us mil lack this. Not due to anything bad just uk mil have more experience.

So america having nato help and training would ready them. I'm not to sure how america would deal with an invasion this day and age, but then again how would any one know how to deal with it unless its happened to them?

So please people don't bite my head off over this as certain ppl have before.
Keep it coming

Thanks for all the input thus far. Keep it coming. All opinions are welcome. The invasion is the heart of my story. A response by the U.S. is the key to the second and possibly third novel in the series. I am very interested in what options are available.

Keep it comin'
Question would be, would the resitance be iraq style, in the cities with road side bombs etc, or would it be Viet Cong style, controlling the countryside, allowing the invader to hold the cities and main roads, but not letting them rest.
Remember, according to historical context of the American Revolution, the "Swamp Fox" was a brilliant Guerilla Fighter.
The USA would be a pretty stupid place to try to conquer and occupy. Too many of its citizens have their own guns. Would be conquerers would catch hell the moment they piss of the American People. No, American's aren't likely to repeated bomb/target other Americans. They would target the invaders.
That is not a smart comment, but I understand where you are trying to get to. The United States is a very difficult nation to conquer and to occupy. It is demonstrated perfectly in the War of 1812 when the United States was under seige by a militarily superior Great Britain. However, there are two factors that have ended this war. Negotiations/Agreements and General Andrew Jackson's overwhelming victory in the Defense of New Orleans (However that battle occured after the peace terms)