So I tried joining the army at 20 and didn't fully commit the idea until I was 21. When I was a week from shipping to boot camp as a 13Bravo (Field Artillery) I tore my ACL and had to get medically discharged for the time being. I didn't want to tell him but my mom's new boyfriend who was a Chief Warrant Officer 3rd Rank told me to be honest so I did. Well I kinda put the idea off thinking I was done and never could achieve it. So I got married moved around jobs and new have a new house and wife. With all that so far I recently striked the Idea of wanting to still join but as much as I want to commit full time I can't due to the wife and house. My wife doesn't want me to join saying its selfish but it's been my dream since I was a boy watching war movies with my dad. Wanting to fill that hole I've had in my life since then and still have. I wanted to fill it with the honor and respect of knowing I served my country and defended it against all who threaten it. I'm not some show boater but I just wanted it and still want to do it. But which strikes my problem now. Been 3 almost 4 years since ACL surgery and I wanted to try an go for Marine Reserves but don't know my chances of getting a medical waiver for it and them actually accepting me in. But anyways I'm Jon an I'm 24 will be 25 in Jan. Only 3 years left till I can enlist. If I can't get into Marine Reserves, Army will be my next trial if not rejected by MEPS, and if the Marines just reject me for my issue.
So any helpful information would be good and I know y'all can't give me true answers because MEPS is its own. MEPS makes its own decisions on what they believe. Just wondering if I'll even find a Recruiter really willing it press the issue to get me in.
So any helpful information would be good and I know y'all can't give me true answers because MEPS is its own. MEPS makes its own decisions on what they believe. Just wondering if I'll even find a Recruiter really willing it press the issue to get me in.