Team Infidel
Forum Spin Doctor
Top Ten Things Overheard At The Academy Awards
"I'm pretty sure Jack Nicholson is asleep under those sunglasses"
"Another refill, Mr. Busey?"
"The award for sound mixing...finally"
"Somebody tell Michael Moore the buffet is for after the show"
"Only four more hours? Man, this thing is flying"
"Damn, I have 'The Hottie And The Nottie' in my Academy Awards pool"
"Eddie Brill says there were too many foreigners in the audience"
"No Number 3 -- writer still watching Academy Awards"
"No, Ms. Fonda, It's 'No Country For Old Men'"
"Why can't more Academy Award winners be strippers?"
"I'm pretty sure Jack Nicholson is asleep under those sunglasses"
"Another refill, Mr. Busey?"
"The award for sound mixing...finally"
"Somebody tell Michael Moore the buffet is for after the show"
"Only four more hours? Man, this thing is flying"
"Damn, I have 'The Hottie And The Nottie' in my Academy Awards pool"
"Eddie Brill says there were too many foreigners in the audience"
"No Number 3 -- writer still watching Academy Awards"
"No, Ms. Fonda, It's 'No Country For Old Men'"
"Why can't more Academy Award winners be strippers?"