Tariq Aziz For President


Active member
This man is a card. He talked as if a gun were pointed at his head. He`s qualified for the job.
Fimiliar in America and Iraq, Aziz sat in the U.N.building in New York and proved not to have a bomb strapped to his body.
Is this the type of middle man we need?
Redneck said:
What is your point, consumer?
I did blurt that out rather late last night.
My point is that there is no spokesperson representing the people of Iraq. Someone that can satisfy the Iraqis and leave the west somewhat bewildered by his logic.
My point is a possible exit stratagy. we must lose face. The Insurgents we`re the ones that believed his every word, and thrived on it.
Let the mouthpiece from hell back in to calm everybody down. Allow him to stand up and tell us our faults to our face.
Diplomacy a solution to a philosophical war.
Does anyone get my point now?

Now what purpose would that solve.............Do you think these islamic terrorist would listen to him ...?

You have to Keep one thing in Mind Islamic terrorist hated and Fought Saddam Hussan Like they are doing the Coilation Forces now.....

They Consider Saddam Hussan Millitary Government Un-Islamic............so why would they trust a Former Bath party Socielist Leader ?

Hey Fish. Un-Islamic leadership is what we want. All the former Baath military would listen to him. They would then regroup and handle the foreign fighters.
This would define the Islamic fighters from the regular Iraqi that just wants the U.S. out.

Yes me too i just wish it would happpen ...............But the Mullah(Islamic Clerics) is too Strong there and they would not let that happen . :roll:

And yes i am starting to undrstand your Strategy now a bit :D

Would the Mullla Allow Another So called Un-Islamic leader in ?People would start to question the Motive and i am expecting a Bigger Uprising form the Shia Population who Bath party Crushed and killed .......and this uprising would be backed by Iran if this happens ?

Wouldn't there be a huge Uproar ? in and out Iraq

Most of the baath party Millitary is Converted into regular Government troops now ...........just a few die hard ones .....so they are a lesser threat...

Second Baath Party and foreign Millitant don't mix well they have fundenmental differences.............i don't thin Foreign Islamic Millitants woud support Baath Party's recoming ............they have considered baath party and Saddam a evil in the past now how come suddenly they will start to support them ?

See what happened to kuwait ................it has not become one of the most Conservative Fundamentlist Country ..............you just can't help it ...........I don't think there is even a single succesful Islamic Democrasy ? how many one , two , three can't think of any .....:roll:

There is no solution to this problem in my view ?

I guess the Baath party is not the right party.
The Mullas would allow a form of govt. that makes health, education and welfare a priority. Think of the the new party like the chinese communist govt. that allows economy to thrive while holding true to thier beliefs. The mullas just don`t want the smut that comes with western culture,can`t blame them for that.
As for Kuwait,they have that rural desert mentality. Iraq used to be a very sophisticated society {pre saddam}. It can happen again. The smart ones in Kuwait Syria, etc. will want to migrate to Iraq.
Like rural Pakistani`s migrate to the cities for hope.
That is the goal of the Bush Administration ,and indeed a good goal.
To say there is no solution is un-american.

i agree with you on this point ..............iraq is a very morden Scoiety as compared to All other Muslim Countries.

and we have to give it to Mr Saddam for this .................he formed a Secular Scoelist Millitary Dictatorship and a very morden Scoiety ................

Iraqi women traditionally have enjoyed more rights, under the Saddam regime than women in the surrounding Arab countries......

In 1970, under Saddam’s Secular Baath party....... the constitution declared all women and men equal under the law,..... Equal Right for Education , Work and medication and Birth Control ...........equality of sexes in employment and education.........During that peak time of women’s rights, some women walked down the streets in mini-skirts.

These very Small things ( which might seem very small to us like right to use birth control or work are indeed bold steps in the middle of Muslim world ) give Iraq the making of a Morden Secular Society .............and for this he made all these Fundamentalists Organisation his enemy ..........who wanted a Islamic law....

Now my fears are Muslim conservative regime gaining power ......... Somethign Must be done to stop them .............last thing we need another Jehadi breeding Conservative Scoiety .

Currenty i don't see any Strong Secular leader in Iraq..............iraq needs a Strong leader right now .

....and about him being Brutal to his opposers well a Dictator has to be Brutal that what dictatorship is all about ........crush your opponents.

And before a few people raise a few eyebrows and start staring at me ............Let me say this ............there is not real Democracy in the Arab Wrold .......:?
