...Today there are so many posts by kids in basements whose only aspiration is to hide and kill people from ambush that one wonders wtf is the deal?
Too much Ghost Recon?
Yeah actually, I believe that has a big part in it. Modern video games are visceral but exciting, there's a soundtrack to get the blood pumping and the "thrill of the kill" and being the lone warrior who saves everyone is really played up with such things as kill count and achievement points for having killed X or Y amount of bad guys in certain ways.
A number of the young guys playing these games have had no experience with firearms or being "in the bush", let alone any experience in the military.
Movies tend to convey the same message and then there is the whole glamourized presentation of various aspects of the military for recruiting purposes.
My first introduction to firearms was when I was 12 years old and I was only ever allowed to plink at targets. Later I was allowed to shoot pest animals like rabbits and foxes and then I was introduced to exactly what my rifle had done - I had to gut and dress the rabbits or bury the foxes I'd shot.
I only mention that because it's an experience that most city dwellers never have and so the connection between shooting something and the actually effect it has, is never experienced by them.
So, we end up with people with an unrealistic view of how an army operates, mainly because most of our entertainment has a fantasy representation of the military but also in a small way because most of us don't experience what really happens when you shoot a living creature.
Apologies for my waffling on too long, I get a tad worked up on these sorts of debates :?