Star Wars

It was a concept for an ICBM killing kinetic projectile launching from a satellite in space. The idea was to knock out ICBM before it was able to deploy its warheads.
Strategic Defense Initiative

The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) is a system proposed by President Ronald Reagan on March 23, 1983 to use space-based systems to protect the United States from attack by strategic nuclear missiles. It was dubbed "Star Wars" by opponents, implying it is an impractical science fiction fantasy, but supporters have adopted the usage as well on the grounds that yesterday's science fiction is often tomorrow's engineering. While many of Mikhail Gorbachev's reforms deserve a vast majority of the blame, or credit, for the collapse of the Soviet Union, SDI may have contributed to the fall by successfully applying the strategy of technology, which was a prevalent doctrine at the time.

Project and proposals

The proposal was sharply criticized for its potential costs, doubts that it would be technologically feasible and afford complete protection against all delivery systems, concerns that it would violate the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty and the Outer Space Treaty and destabilize the nuclear balance of power.

The research was controlled by the Strategic Defense Initiative Office, an agency of the Department of Defense until 1993, when it was renamed the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization. Department of Defense cost estimates for SDI-related spending during fiscal years 1984-1994 amounted to $32.6 billion. An independent report by the Congressional Research Service arrived at a much higher figure of $70.7 billion.

The project was repeatedly scaled back, renamed Global Protection Against Limited Strikes (GPALS, dubbed "Son of Star Wars") in 1991, and refocused on protection from smaller attacks. GPALS was based on a ground system of rocket-launched interceptors aimed at preventing small scale launches by "rogue states" (apparently North Korea, Libya, Iraq or Iran) from impacting on the US.

Missile defense

President Bill Clinton almost halted the program, but it has regained momentum under President George W. Bush, whose version is called the National Missile Defense (NMD).
Some trial tests look positive, others are not yet sophisicated enough to take out an icbm yet. Basically you are trying to shoot a bullet with a bullet. There has been some successes, and they continue to refine the program.