Team Infidel

Forum Spin Doctor
So here she is. Tell me what you think. Give me your opinions on this whole deal.

An improvement over Monica, but still a bimbo. She really isn't *that* pretty; I ain't exactly Brad Pitt but even I have dated prettier women. You go to Miami beach or anywhere else with sun and girls like this are a dime a dozen. But as a New Yorker I would like to thank her for getting rid of Idiot Spitizer...I mean Elliot Spitzer (sorry, Freudian slip)...

As for Spitzer, he's been a giant disappointment since he arrived in office. I don't care who he sleeps with, whether it is men, women, or hamsters, paid or free. But I just hate the political moralists, those that preach family values and don't follow their own example. Worse would be if he paid this girl with Public funds. Its unlikely as he is a multi-millionaire, but if he did he should go to jail.

Because of Spitzer's ego and GOD complex he broke the speed record of the most hated man in politics, even the Albany Democrats hate this guy's guts. My friends tell who work on Wall Street has been all smilies at the news.

His administration had been one giant misstep after another. There are very few people that are sad Spitzer is gone. Its small sample of the party that to be thrown on Jan 20, 2009 when Bush leaves office.

My only question is this: How come Spitzer resigned when people like David Vitter and Larry Craig didn't ...for doing exactly the same thing?
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Maybe her technique just kicks ass.

I doubt it, being paid to something doesn't give the same enthusiasm as when you would gladly do it for free. And besides, because someone looks hot doesn't denote great undercover prowess. The reverse is true too, someone might be butt-ugly, but work some serious sexual voodoo in the bedroom.

My opinion remains unchanged: Not bad, seen better.
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My only question is this: How come Spitzer resigned when people like David Vitter and Larry Craig didn't ...for doing exactly the same thing?
He knew politically he was done. Given the platform that he ran on (he was the moral/ethical choice, he'd clean up New York, yada yada yada), there would be no way he'd be effective going forward. He'd have been a lame-duck governor with three years left.

I'd do her.......
Danica? Yeah, me too. ;)