Benedict Arlen jumped ship because polling numbers already showed him losing to Toomey in the Republican primaries by 21%, even at this advanced stage. He is the type who treasures his Senate seat over principle, another Republican in Name Only who drove us nuts by his continual "reaching across the aisle" when it was important.
However, the true insult here is that it delivers a 60-seat filibuster-proof majority to the Far Left Socialist Democrat Party. Now they can shove their anti-capitalist socialism right down our throats without so much as a roadbump.
Frankly, I don't like the change of parties in mid-term, whether it benefits my side or harms it. To me, it is a bait-and-switch and unfair to the voters on BOTH sides of the political divide. I try to be fair about elections especially, because they are the cornerstone of the Republic, and switching parties just means that the person switching sees themselves and their own careers as the most important factor, as opposed to the primacy of the will of the voters and the energy and money spent by the ones who supported them in the primaries and the general election.
Specter saw the handwriting on the wall, though, that the Conservative grass roots movement is retaking the Republican Party, and the RiNOs are not going to get too many more "it's my party, so I better support the guy" votes in 2010, and further, in 2012. We held our noses and voted for POLITICAL turncoat John McCain (his military service notwithstanding), the most liberal of Republican Senators, in the last election and we are not going to accept his version of Republicanism anymore.
It's back to small government, responsible spending, and demanding that REAL people represent us in Washington, instead of the perfumed, privileged pultroonish elites who get foisted upon us. Yes, there is a civil war brewing in the GOP, and the end result will be a party of conservative principles that will stand for constitutional rule and not for the "go along to get along" logrolling garbage that caused so many of us to sit out elections (not me) or vote for people who shared very few of our values because the choice on the other side was so much of an affront to our core beliefs (me all the way).
Sarah Palin for me, Benedict Arlen, no mroe of thee!