Some Military Quotes you most likey haven't heard!

Vincent S1

New Member
"If you can't remember, the claymore is pointed toward you." - Unknown
"Always remember, Your weapon was made by the lowest bidder" - Uknown
"Nuts!" -General Anthony McAuliffe
"I Shall Return!" - General McArthur
"Do not fire until you see the whites of their eyes!" - Colonel William Prescott
"Common men! Do you want to live forever?" - General Putnam
"Point towards enemy." - Instructions on U.S. Rocket Launcher
"Whoever misses the Soviet Union has not heart. Whoever wants it back, has no brain." - Unkown
Freedom is not free, but the United States Marine Corps will pay for most of your share." - Bob Dylan
Any other interesting quotes? I would love to here them!
Interesting Facts:
The United States Marine Corps did not see action until the Spanish-American War in 1899!
The Air-Force is Part of the Navy/Army. The Marine Corps is part of the Navy.
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I think I've got most of them in here already.. :smil:

Murphy's laws of combat:



"Common men! Do you want to live forever?" - General Putnam
I haven't heard it attributed to him before? (even if it may be possible..)

"Come on you sons of bitches! Do you want to live forever?"
Gunnery Sergeant Dan Daly, 4 june 1918.
Leading Marines at Belleu Wood.
Later Daly told a Marine Historian,
"What I really yelled was: For Christ's sake, men-COME ON!
Do you want to live forever?"

Dan Daly served with Marine Fourth Brigade in WW1.
Gunnery Sergeant Dan Daley was awarded two Medals of Honor and a lot of other awards/medals.
Dan Daly is still one of the great legends of the Marines.

"Do not fire until you see the whites of their eyes!" - Colonel William Prescott
This one's wrongfully attributed to Colonel Prescot (according to several sources) and it was actually General Putman who said this (see the link above)
I think that quote about the whites in their eyes was made by a German World War I fighter ace. Can't remember which one.
I think that quote about the whites in their eyes was made by a German World War I fighter ace. Can't remember which one.
General Israel Putnam was supposed to have said it at the Battle of Bunker Hill and Breed's Hill in June 1775, so that was a few years before anyone in WW1 could have said it.. ;)
Have you already got this one:-

On Strategy - "Hit the other fellow, as quick as you can, and as hard as you can, where it hurts him most, when he ain't lookin".

(British Sergeant-Major.)
"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem."

Math for cops....2 to the chest + 1 to the head!

Those who hesitate, meditate in a horizontal position. I think this was from Ed Parker Sensei.

Of course, the famous "one shot one kill." I am not sure if Gunny Hathcock said that originally or not.
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"Ein deutscher Soldat erwärmt sich am Eisblock und zittern tut er nur vor Wut, daß es nicht noch kälter ist."

I try to translate that :):
A german soldier warms himself with a block of ice and only shivers because of anger that it isn't colder.
“Any hussar who did not die before 30 is a jean-foutre.” (diletant)

Antoine Charles Louis Lasalle, French Cavalry General (died at 34) - Napoleonic Era:horsie:
Doesn't it say "Point Towards Enemy" on claymores?
