Active member
I haven't been able to grasp this concept:
As i understand it while i am in recruit training every first and last word out of my mouth will be sir. That part i got...
Now what i don't understand is NCO's for instance my recruiter is a SSGT and the other recruiters in the office are GySGT ("boss") and the other SSGT and i think a SGT that HATE it when you say sir too much. However commisioned officers you are required to say sir EVERY time. Now being from GA USA i was raised to say sir and mam no matter what. when my parents tell me or ask me to do something it is yes sir no sir yes mam no mam. so when i met my recruiter it just came natural to me and i have to catch myself every now and then and MAKE myself stop saying sir so much. Now i know about the rankings and commisioned officers are way on up there and that is probably why one says sir at all time to the CO's... But here is where it gets kinda confusing for me...
when a CO is around and a NCO says something or gives you any type of order even a suggestion you must say sir!?!?! despite what the NCO's preference is.
for the record: This is not an issue of whether or not i will do it but more of a need for clarification.
another thing that i have noticed is that when Marines that are "fresh" as in just walked across the parade deck a few weeks ago come home and join us in our poolee functions they all become experts on what you should do in RT. Now i have never been one to brag or what have you and yes i understand the RT is something that changes you for the rest of your life and i am sure i will be full of pride on the day that i walk across the Parade Deck but why is it that every time someone that left as a recruit and comes back as a Marine is suddenly an expert on every friggin thing that the Marines have to offer -- IE: weapons ammo knives hand to hand and every exercise known to man? it really irks me hear the new Marines tell other recruits what they should and should not do at MCRD. True they have been there and they have gone through the training but i don't think that qualifies them as an expert on the different strengths and weaknesses of every recruit. I may just be defensive on the subject because to me it is something that i want to accomplish on my own with the help of the men that i will be learning and working beside and i don't want some guy telling me that i am doing my pushups wrong and that when he was at MCRD he had a torn acl and water on his knees and he still made it thorough and blah blah blah... it just kills me.
Don't take offense to this Marines. I have nothing but love and respect for ALL of you. It just annoys me that so many ppl (i will say they are mostly the 17-18 year old Marines) can become the absolute expert on everything Marine in 13 weeks.
As i understand it while i am in recruit training every first and last word out of my mouth will be sir. That part i got...
Now what i don't understand is NCO's for instance my recruiter is a SSGT and the other recruiters in the office are GySGT ("boss") and the other SSGT and i think a SGT that HATE it when you say sir too much. However commisioned officers you are required to say sir EVERY time. Now being from GA USA i was raised to say sir and mam no matter what. when my parents tell me or ask me to do something it is yes sir no sir yes mam no mam. so when i met my recruiter it just came natural to me and i have to catch myself every now and then and MAKE myself stop saying sir so much. Now i know about the rankings and commisioned officers are way on up there and that is probably why one says sir at all time to the CO's... But here is where it gets kinda confusing for me...
when a CO is around and a NCO says something or gives you any type of order even a suggestion you must say sir!?!?! despite what the NCO's preference is.
for the record: This is not an issue of whether or not i will do it but more of a need for clarification.
another thing that i have noticed is that when Marines that are "fresh" as in just walked across the parade deck a few weeks ago come home and join us in our poolee functions they all become experts on what you should do in RT. Now i have never been one to brag or what have you and yes i understand the RT is something that changes you for the rest of your life and i am sure i will be full of pride on the day that i walk across the Parade Deck but why is it that every time someone that left as a recruit and comes back as a Marine is suddenly an expert on every friggin thing that the Marines have to offer -- IE: weapons ammo knives hand to hand and every exercise known to man? it really irks me hear the new Marines tell other recruits what they should and should not do at MCRD. True they have been there and they have gone through the training but i don't think that qualifies them as an expert on the different strengths and weaknesses of every recruit. I may just be defensive on the subject because to me it is something that i want to accomplish on my own with the help of the men that i will be learning and working beside and i don't want some guy telling me that i am doing my pushups wrong and that when he was at MCRD he had a torn acl and water on his knees and he still made it thorough and blah blah blah... it just kills me.
Don't take offense to this Marines. I have nothing but love and respect for ALL of you. It just annoys me that so many ppl (i will say they are mostly the 17-18 year old Marines) can become the absolute expert on everything Marine in 13 weeks.