What can you say to things like that...
It's hopeless to try to argue against such statements, because as you say Redneck, it seems that she/he has already made up his/her mind.
There are still a lot of people around the world who claimes that the Holocaust never happened, and that it was just American and British propaganda.
I'm afraid that we'll see just the same thing happening with Saddam now.
Someone will never see the thruth, even if it walked right up to them and hit them in the face.. (Iraqi information minister!?
And your friend is also talking about Saddams "poor" sons who where blown up...
Poor Uday, and what about his poor tigers that can't feed upon innocent students and girls that didn't do what he wanted them to do...
(yes there are proof that he fed his "enemies" to his tigers, and girls who were seduced by him did "mysteriously" dissapear too....)
Strangely enough statements like the ones of your friend Diplomatic, reminds me of a joke I once heard:
Arguing on the internet is like competing in the Paralympics; If you win, you're still retarded....
(no offense ment...)