Well, Woodward does work for the Post and he definitely has an agenda. You can believe him for about as far as you can throw him.
Oh but the Bush Administration has never lied, twisted the truth, cherry picked information, etc. Please. These people are so dishonst and untrustworth they have managed to out do Nixon.
Besides having an agenda is really no excuse, this is politics and
everybody has got an agenda. That doesn't automatically mean he's wrong or not trustworthy. He was right about Watergate after all.
Lets look at this logically:
How likely do you think it is that the Director of the CIA George Tenet and the Director of Counter-terrorism Richard Clarke (a conservative Republican) BOTH failed to discuss al Qaeda (a worldwide terrorist organization which had already attacked American interests) with their New Boss the National Security Advisor in 2000? Espically when you consider that BOTH men were fighting al Qaeda in the Clinton Administration.
If you're honest with yourself, the answer is pretty obvious. If by some miracle Condi (as National Security Advisor) really doesn't remember, that only proves she's even more incompetant then we imagined.
Its so obvious she's lying, because the truth is worse. She ignored the 9-11 warnings.