Random thought of the moment...

Imagine being in deep sleep and you dream about your alarm clock sounding and at that exact instant, by some amazing coincidence, your real alarm clock sounds. Can you wake up? And if you can, how do you know you're not still "dreaming"?
I hate my alarm clock. If I were to become the supreme leader of the world, I'd ban all alarm clocks. People who are seen with an alarm clock would get shot on sight. But still it'd be illegal to be late to work. :smil:
I hate my alarm clock. If I were to become the supreme leader of the world, I'd ban all alarm clocks. People who are seen with an alarm clock would get shot on sight. But still it'd be illegal to be late to work. :smil:

I hate motorbikes. They're noisy and the guys who ride them are annoying as hell... "Oh wee, look at me, I've got a small dick and lots of insecurity so I'm going to attempt to look bad ass in this 2 wheeled car."
Korea is so lucky there's no 2nd amendment here or I'd be using recreational motorbikes for plinking practice every weekend.
Especially when those f*ckers gun the engine. Or zoom by in their retarded mufflers designed to create the most noise humanly possible. Just sounds like some jack ass zooming by screaming "I HAVE A SMALL DICK!!!!!!!!"
Also, Harley Davidsons. Harleys are for those true highway bandits who live outside the law on the country's highways, killing cops, raping teenagers, the like. That's the sort of life it represents. However, if you see these things in the cities it's just retarded. What's more retarded? The owner is some damned accountant. An accountant on a Harley! Sounds like a case of needing to spray the damn thing dayglow pink. Because if there's one thing I really hate, it's a goddamned phoney!
He's known for being difficult. In fact, I'm pretty sure he practices the art. :mrgreen:

And Lunatic.......its best not to question. :twisted: