

There must be something I'm missing but just what qualifies Hillary to be President or to even run for President or to even think about running for President , help me out here people .:rockin:
I think the office of President of these United States should be reduced to that of ceremonial recognition only , as Obama has shown the people that a President does absolutely nothing .
Question for you Tetvet,
Who would YOU like to see at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

I'm wondering about this too. Since you have us curious about this, tetvat why not humor with an answer. Do you not have an opinion at all?

Former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, is an extremely intelligent, very strong woman, I admire her a lot....although I haven't a clue who I'm voting for next round. It has crossed my mind that with Hillary we'd be getting a former president along with his experience too. Former President Clinton is also intelligent and has the experience of already being in office but I'm not sure about him either.
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Probably the two things I have against Hillary is she's married to Bubba and she is a liar , neither issue is debatable .
Actually I think the office of President is antiquated and unsustainable this Country is too big for one person to set requirements and policy , the individual states could / should take the lead in defining America .
I always thought that laws and statues are handed down by government, the president/prime minister or whatever the leader of the ruling "democratically elected" party is called, cannot pass them on his own. So in effect, the countries leaders are just figureheads anyway. ;)
She has the skills, the experience and the necessary cynicism. So why not?

I agree .. there's no reason why she shouldn't be president.

Imagine this dadsgirl....

President Clinton sitting at the Oval Office desk. She looks over at Bill and says "I need a little alone time with my new male intern."..
Actually I think the office of President is antiquated and unsustainable this Country is too big for one person to set requirements and policy , the individual states could / should take the lead in defining America .

Hey Twat,

This must be the stupidest thing I have seen for a very long time. Each single state shall have its own foreign policy or what?
Hilary will not make a good president. She was strongly opposed by the people of NYS where I live while operating as the role of State Senator. She will not suport the people who elect her the majority but will suport speacil interest groups, if she lives up to her track record. Her voting while in office did nothing to benefit NYS.
Each state has its own constitution , executive , legislation and from the way things are going might as well have its own foreign policy .
Each state has its own constitution , executive , legislation and from the way things are going might as well have its own foreign policy .

Your tread asked about Hillary Clintons position - experience for running for president. I gave you solid answers as to why I believe she would make a poor president others have alternate opinions. What is the meaning of this last statement of yours? To me it makes no sense or otherwise put it's nonsense.
What I wonder is Hillary waiting for , she is screwing up any other democrat that might be thinking of running for President .

Why do you bother to read or reply to my post ? .

I'm trying to point out to you that it would help if your post had a point. I'm sorry to say many are ramblings of undefined thoughts. Some of your comments beg for a response if nothing else because they sound so outlandish I'm not sure if your really a comedian?

I do however respect your time in service

Maybe you don't even realize the shot you took at the British (of which I'm 1/2) about Dunkirk.