President Bush

I saw Farenheit 9/11. I liked it, so did everyone else that saw it. It was saying exactly what I'd been saying for 2 years, what most of the people had been saying for 2 years, and informed me of a few things.

Doddy, I sugest you actually do go see Farenheit, may change your mine.

SilverPhoenix, I find myself in complete accordance.
GADefence said:
I saw Farenheit 9/11. I liked it, so did everyone else that saw it.

Who is everyone? Did you poll everyone? Or do you mean everyone with you? If you mean in general, everyone who has seen in, show proof.

It was saying exactly what I'd been saying for 2 years, what most of the people had been saying for 2 years, and informed me of a few things.

:lol: Wow, you have been repeating the same accusations as everyone else? How original of you!

It is propaganda. A little truth, mixed with some lies ... add a few shakes of slant and some bias and ta da! You have a film anyone blindly hating the current President of the US will love. Those hating him, but not blindly may enjoy the film, but will also have the common sense to take it for what it is, propaganda.

An interesting link, if nothing else.
RnderSafe said:
Who is everyone? Did you poll everyone? Or do you mean everyone with you? If you mean in general, everyone who has seen in, show proof.

Mostly since everyone walked out hapily, discussing it. Also, the fact a lot of people I heard blurt out during the film something along the lines of this is good. The fact everyone I've talked to that has seen it said it was a good film. . . Proof enough?

:lol: Wow, you have been repeating the same accusations as everyone else? How original of you!

It is propaganda. A little truth, mixed with some lies ... add a few shakes of slant and some bias and ta da! You have a film anyone blindly hating the current President of the US will love. Those hating him, but not blindly may enjoy the film, but will also have the common sense to take it for what it is, propaganda.

An interesting link, if nothing else.

Hrrmm, and I suppose, since you say this film is complete propoganda, the way to make sure I am not in propoganda is to close my eyes and blindly support bush in what-ever war he starts?

As for "How original of you!", I have read and informed myself for nearly 4 years now about America being evil. I've gotten more detailed and less bias in my accusation, and more educated about it. This opinion I have is my own, no one elses. So, yes, it is original of me, since I had come up with it all myself after I have found out that this is what happened.

As for the website, I've read a quarter of it, but I don't feel like finishing it right now. I'll post again after with my details on it.
GADefence said:
Mostly since everyone walked out hapily, discussing it. Also, the fact a lot of people I heard blurt out during the film something along the lines of this is good. The fact everyone I've talked to that has seen it said it was a good film. . . Proof enough?

Why would that be proof enough? That is your opinion. You cannot honestly say "everyone" enjoyed the film. Some me some real proof, go out and poll them, get their opinions, and not your perception of their opinion, and then and only then will the statement not look so silly. ;)

Hrrmm, and I suppose, since you say this film is complete propoganda, the way to make sure I am not in propoganda is to close my eyes and blindly support bush in what-ever war he starts?

I think I stated fairly clearly what I said. Where did I say blindly support President Bush? Show me. Oh, or is this where you attempt to speak for me simply to make your point? Tsk, tsk. Blindly hating Bush is as silly as blindly following. Your bias is showing. :D

As for "How original of you!", I have read and informed myself for nearly 4 years now about America being evil. I've gotten more detailed and less bias in my accusation, and more educated about it. This opinion I have is my own, no one elses. So, yes, it is original of me, since I had come up with it all myself after I have found out that this is what happened.

I can tell, almost all of the opinions you have stated are the same mantra repeated over and over by those that wish to inform themselves on other's opinions. "Evil?" :lol: Yes, that is very original.

As for the website, I've read a quarter of it, but I don't feel like finishing it right now. I'll post again after with my details on it.

Why bother? Your mind is closed, obviously. You cannot see past what is being force fed down your throat by those you deem worthy of "information." (That does not mean those that ARE worthy of information)
Moore researched all the facts with a team of lawyers, the OPINIONS illustrated in the movie ARE his, but facts are facts, I know there are a lotta bush supporters, I would be republican cuz republicans arent bad..and georgy isnt but um....Havent had as many jobs lost since the drepression, He tapped into funds that he promised not to when he got into office, Biggest defecit we've ever had, it'll take like a decade of prosperity to trully get out of it, and then theres his crooked VP, Cheney-the Halleburton man? getting money straight outta Iraq to his mailbox. I'd vote for a republican if it wasnt this exact administration. Bush has done some good but, these are the typ eof things that you dont exactly want to take a chance on thinking...Maybe it'll change in the next 4, no you wanna get someone different and make sure it is. STUFF aint workin boys, vote against corruption(that dirty cheney) much stuff with those guys who avoid taxes by owning mailboxes in like cayman islands.
Micheal Moore just tries too stir up anger, and he needs a bullet. He IS POISONING AMERICA with his propoganda.

All yall can say about Bush is negative. He liberated the people in Iraq, and he lead us greatly after 9/11. If Kerry was in the white house we wouldve been attacked again. Bush chased down the bastards that destroyed those towers. All that Cheney stuff is BS, yall just pulled that out of your @$$.

As for jobs, we are slowly regaining. Its not going too be new overnight. I understand having your opinion but calling America "evil" is just wrong, and is an insult to me. TERRORISM IS EVIL, not the guys trying too stop it. Y'all make me sick, If you think America is evil go live in Mexico.

Keep a Texan in the white house 2004! :cowb:
Ens. Soto said:
Moore researched all the facts with a team of lawyers, the OPINIONS illustrated in the movie ARE his, but facts are facts

Really, which ones? The one about the relatives of UBL being flown out of the US on a special flight before air travel resumed? Hate to tell you, but that one is 100% not true! No one got on that plane before they were cleared by the FBI and the plane didn't leave until after air travel resumed.

Ens. Soto said:
Biggest defecit we've ever had, it'll take like a decade of prosperity to trully get out of it

Measured as a % of GDP, no it isn't at all. Previous deficits under other presidents were higher in terms of GDP. I am not saying that its a lot of $ anyway you count it, but note that deficits do not matter to the Democrats when they are handing other people's money out to the "poor" and "disadvantaged. Only when we spend it on National Defense do they raise any fuss and only when they are not in power! :idea:

Ens. Soto said:
and then theres his crooked VP, Cheney-the Halleburton man? getting money straight outta Iraq to his mailbox.

Nice cheap shot pal, care to back it up with some PROOF?

If this is where you are getting your "facts", you are really fooling yourself. Buying into the poisonous garbage that Michael Moore and Co. dish out is no way to form a reasoned opinion. :cry:
as the economy goes, it started to tank under clinton

"Whether the US economy is plunging into a recession is the $64 million question of the day. Preliminary data for the December quarter suggests that US gross domestic product was growing at an annual rate of only 1.4% at the end of 2000, after slowing from 8.3% in the 1999 fourth quarter to 4.8%, 5.6% and 2.2% in each of the subsequent quarters.

Fears that the US economy was not headed into a period of slower growth — what official economists call a ``soft landing'' — but into a recession only really began to grip the capitalist class at the beginning of this year."

Bush took command in 2001 to an economy that was already on its way down. The bad thing for Bush is that the negative numbers finally came in under Bush's watch.

Check the numbers before saying Bush lead this country into a recession. Otherwise, you are making an empty claim
Jesus Christ, GADefence! You belive only pure propaganda? Pogo, Counterpunch, Moore....... Are You one of those who don't belive people landed on Moon? :D You are still collecting proofs, and you are thrying to prove that since you were in mother's stomach..... :lol:
I dont got the energy to write a lotta paragraphs explaining all the crooked halleburton stuff, and all of those huge corporations that help the president get elected. And why does everybody assume that a democratic president wouldnt have led us well after 9/11??? Thats bs, but im not really gonna try to argue with hardcore Bush fans, but why is the like top like 2 percent of American, making a HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGE chunk % of the money being made. I havent seen that tax refund around these here parts but whatever man
Ens. Soto said:
I dont got the energy to write a lotta paragraphs explaining all the crooked halleburton stuff, and all of those huge corporations that help the president get elected.

The VP has sold all of shares in Halliburton, or did that tidbit of information slip past you?

Beware, the constant drivel without support of proof that you are regurgitating from points long ago made by those with far leftist agendas doesn't always give you 100% of the information. Halliburton is nothing new to the US government ... they certainly didn't make a surprise appearance with Cheney - unless former Admins are in on the "evil" conspiracy too????

Look up LOGCAP.

And why does everybody assume that a democratic president wouldnt have led us well after 9/11???

We have a democratic president that led us after 9/11.

[qupte]but why is the like top like 2 percent of American, making a HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGE chunk % of the money being made. I havent seen that tax refund around these here parts but whatever man[/quote]

Everyone is so angry with the rich .. yet, the rich still pay the most money in this country. :lol:

Moore researched all the facts with a team of lawyers, the OPINIONS illustrated in the movie ARE his, but facts are facts

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thats bs, but im not really gonna try to argue with hardcore Bush fans,
<Mod Duties>
You will not use this excuse to avoid providing proof and valid arguments to your points on this forum. I did not see anyone call you a "hardcore Michael Moore fan." Either reply to other's arguments with a valid response, or do not reply at all.
Doody said:
GADefence said:
Doddy, I sugest you actually do go see Farenheit, may change your mine.

I will go...but only when I give Moore $0.50...not $7.00

i saw most of f911 and let me tell you, that was the most bull ive ever seen, half truths, whole lies, speculation and lots of moore's opinion. it was funny though, moore is such an idiot!
Moore researched all the facts with a team of lawyers, the OPINIONS illustrated in the movie ARE his, but facts are facts

oh really?

even the part about bush flying ben ladens out of the country was wrong, richard clarke did that, and bush had nothing to do with it.

btw you can put a spin on facts and make them sound or look the way you want them too, also its easy to show one side of a story or half truths and they look real but are just that half truths.
Bootboy82 said:
I don't think it would be good for me as a newbie in this forum to say what I think of George W. Bush, jr. :twisted:

You may say whatever you like as long as you keep it civil and are able to support any claims you make. Simple name calling and bashing (ie So-and-so is stupid) will not be tolerated. Freedom of speech is alive and well here, but as with any venue, you are required to follow the rules set forth, and be prepared for the consequences of your actions.

On another point, wasting good bandwith to announce that you will not be saying what it is that you want to say doesn't make much sense, now does it?
I second that! RnderSafe is absolutely correct on all points!!!

Bootboy82 and Ens. Soto - you both need to read his comments again and take note. :D :D :D
Michael Moore should be imprisoned. He openly admitted to the world that he had video footage from Abu Graib prison long before the pictures were discovered.

I know there is freedom of the press, but he withheld vital information purely for the sake of personal profit. He put footage in that movie that should never have been released to anyone.

Anyways, back to the topic at hand... This is one of the best stories about how good of a person Bush is. It's great that he'll put himself on the line just to comfort someone who lost a family member in that horrible attack.

I say "put himself on the line" because that girl or someone around her could have just as easily been a terrorist there to assassinate the president.

If I was old enough, there's no doubt in my mind who I'd vote for.