Thank you sir.....
Well your article is the only news I have had the pleasure to read, and as the person I am I always like this kind of news, that help me to go forward that is. I wonder if a man can get some form of civilian PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder out of boredness when it comes to the news they show here in sweden. Well If not that one. PTSD because of all the things that a man see on the tv as Live 9-11 september 2001 that thing got me turned up in combat mode X-2000 ready to get up to dads house arming myself with the 12g ready to kick ass for the american nation ASAP.
But when the war started down in Afghanistan there was little on the local news here in sweden. Well there was demonstrations of the pre-com groups and the other hippie movements that were here including the new military young leftwing that almost started a civilwar in Göteborg the same year. And then now the Iraq and the most interesting with that war was a Norwegian female journalist that was neutral as a journalist should be in the middle of Bagdad when the city fell to the American boys over there.
But now we have flodd, fires, and the local sports that taking every minute of the news on the gouvernment controlled network. Yes of course there is some news from Israel too - But from the news nothing is objective it is shown from the Palestinian friendly camera eyes point of view and thats why that conflict have lasted 45-60-70 years? No longer is of any interest for me more then with this wall building that turned the terrorists in the throats of eachother and on the PLO that I found amusing for some change. :lol:
Well the news here is bad and as a person that want a correct picture of the situation in the world today have to look for themself or very hard behind all lines to get a good picture of the reality. So thanks FlyingFrog for the article of news.
Most Sincerly: