Night Clubs

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What have you done when you got turned away from a club?

In Ardeen in Co. Louth in Ireland a man was turned away from a local night club and was very upset by it.

He happend to be a farmer and came back late with his tractor and muck spreader and covered the night club in slury. Ummmm

True story!!
:lol: I heard about something like that, was that the same fellow who hit the wrong building by mistake?
My buddy and I got refused entry to a new Nite Club about 5 years ago.Why? We didn't fit the profile or critera they wanted for their clientel.
What did we do?

We went back the next weekend on duty and wrote several citations for selling alcohol to minors, and use of fraudlent ID. Gotta love workin a college town :lol:
Its hard to understand. I mean money is money they end up robbing us anyway!!

Fair enough if your drunk
I can look at girls in small skirts or butt naked on the internet.
I don't really have the motivation to drag myself all the way to some noisy dark room full of smoke and booming crap music. Not to mention it's always over crowded.
Around here we have this thing called "Rock 'n' Ride" at West Edmonton Mall in Galaxyland. I guess its kind of like a club, I don't like it because it's always way to crowded and the only people that really go there are 12-14 year olds.
I can look at girls in small skirts or butt naked on the internet.
I don't really have the motivation to drag myself all the way to some noisy dark room full of smoke and booming crap music. Not to mention it's always over crowded.

Thats where the smoking ban comes in!!
I'd go elsewhere.

A few weeks back in my town a woman was refused entry/thrown out (can't remember which) ) to a/of a pub by a bouncer. She went home told her husband, who was a bit mad, and he and some friends drove to the pub and attacked the bouncer with a machete, slicing off fingers and striking him in the chest. Nice. It used to be my local...
Never had that problem cause I'm too cool to be bounced... Sunblock in da moooood :D Pfffft, hehe... Just kidding.

The best way to get in somewhere if you're not allowed entrance is to have a pint somewhere else, go back to the nightclub and if they'd changed bouncers your odds entering is slightly better.

Being in the "bounce business" a couple of years ago we checked new visitors to see if they'd fit the people alread inside; especially on how they were dressed, acted and last but not the least the amount of alcohol they had to drink.

Now? Can hardly find the motivation for having a beer at the pub...
Night clubs are fun, I actually like going every so often, most of the time I have a fun time.

I think the key is, to actually go to one where you at least like the music, or the crowd that goes there is the kind of crowd where you sort of fit in, or else it probably won't be as fun.

Oh yeah, if you drink a little bit before you go then you might save money on drinks later at the club.
I remember one time I went with my Swedish friend.
He's got this thing about turning down girls just to make them feel bad that they couldn't get him and thus gives him an ego boost. I told him he's a thick t**t
This one time we met in New York and just stumbled into a night club. I nearly got something going with this blonde and he f**ked it up when her brunette friend tried to dance with him he said, "no thank you, I'm having a drink." And so the brunette just left (coz she is a big embarrased) and the blonde left with her. AARRRRRGGGHHH Stupid insecure people!!!!
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