Yes the Air Force is the prince of the Air...but once you bomb have to control it.
And thats where the Army comes in: If all you are going to do is bomb or missile your enemy to death, well its ok, but personally i need a return for my efforts, and that is their land. And the only way you can subjugate the land is with land forces...
Course, you kind need to get them land forces there in a large amount. Now you can do it with planes..but plane only hold so much, and you really can airlift all them tanks that easily. So now them old merchant marine folks come into their importance...
Which means some poor schmucks got to defend them against all sort of really mean things, like submarines and land or sea base aviation groups that only want to sink them, so now theres this big Navy that comes into play....
Which practically runs off coffee. lots and lots of coffee. So now columbias in the picture too...which means...
its all up to Juan Valdez and his damn donkey to keep things going.
Froggy...its a team thing. Ain't no such thing a single great player all has to work together to get the job done.