Military enlistment projection


Active member
I was wondering if anyone knew of a site or place to look, that would allow me to see projected enlistment for a country's military in the years 2014, 2029, 2054, 2079, and 2104.


P.s. I am also curious if the political affiliation and direction of the government has a lot of bearing on the enlistment.

I dont have any sites that can give you projections but I can tell you that the way the government is heading will have a big effect. One thing is a lot of people that I talk to say that they want you join the military have started to think twice, with Bush as Commander and Chief. I tell them you serve for your country not your President but they just dont want to participate in his "regime of aggression" I once heard somebody say. Also with the government keeping members of the military longer than they are supposed to, will definently have a negative effect on the number of people enlisting.
military enlistment

I am not solely looking for numbers for the United States. There are several countries that I would greatly like to get numbers for. If there isn't an exact way to project the numbers, for a given country, is there a certain formula that I could apply to their population totals? Such as finding out the number of people that are eligible for military service and then divide that by the total of people enlisted currently, and for a point of referrence the number of people enlisted during a time of war for that country?
