Marksmanship Practice Halted!?


Active member
Our unit received an order from Fort Bragg to halt all marksmanship practice for the time being due to a fatality during another units practice... Have y'all received similar orders?

BTW- I believe the incident occured 5 Nov.
At some point this century, Tucker's ranges will heat up... BARTOL, GET ON IT!!! BARTOL, GET ON IT!!! BARTOL, GET ON IT!!! And if you find this message on Google, BARTOL, GET ON IT!!! :sniper:
We got shut down too, "pending investigation". A college-level marksman got killed by either himself or somebody else who wasn't being careful with their .22. That's as much as I know, detail-wise.
Our marksman/air rifle team was halted due to a safety standoff pending investigation on a situation with another detachment. I was told that at a college there was an Activities Signup held in the gym for a few days and on teh third day someone asked the ROTC guys how to shoot a rifle and they held it up, turned the safety off and not knowing the gun was loading with a pellet, shot the bullet and killed someone. Therefore there's pending investigation on why it was loaded and whatnot.

However, our order came as of July something or other to halt all Air Rifle practice. No US Navy unit is supposed to be shooting air rifles at this time.

(Our Drill team is also currently at a safety standdown. Some idiot left a rifle out. Lol.)
You have working rifles, cullion? Daaaaang!

Anyway, our rifle team practices at the farm a guy in our community owns. For regular marksmanship, we use M16s at the Navy Reserve Center, with more RSOs than cadets and two people shooting at a time, NO MORE, with the rest of us standing behind bullet-resistant glass and a BRG shield between the two shooters.
Man, when stuff like this happens in the Canadian Cadet Movement, the whole program grinds to a halt, sometimes never to return.
Rifle Team Halted

Our unit got the same order. All NJROTC units in the country are in a stand-down. All we heard was that there was an accident during a practice. They are supposed to send out a message to all units in December regarding the incident and stating whether or not we will be able to open the ranges again.
silent driller said:
At some point this century, Tucker's ranges will heat up... BARTOL, GET ON IT!!! BARTOL, GET ON IT!!! BARTOL, GET ON IT!!! And if you find this message on Google, BARTOL, GET ON IT!!! :sniper:
That's Right! Man!
In Minnesota too everybody had to take another seminar on being safe with a firearm.

My NSI said something about a kid getting shot in the eye or something to that effect.
actually, it was a high school JROTC in missouri that was the problem. a female cadet was shot while trying to retrieve her target, but a .22. yeah ours was stoped too!
The reason why people cannot further shoot for marksmanship team because of a killing at the school MMA (Missouri Military Academy) witch is about 2-3 hours from WMA(Wentworth Military Academy,my school). Witch also effected other states Marksmanship teams, to stop shooting.

A guy named Dickey(his last name) Was execuiting some sort of drill. When he was done with his rifle(these were .22's now) supposedly he turned around..& from that part of the story is confusing because im hearing different endings, but he shot the kid & he died. But MMA is a all boy school & he shot a boy. Not a girl. He got severely beaten up in & now he goes to my school & is in Alpha company(a junior college company). & as follows some military base stopped all jrotc firearms until further investigation.

So basically were waiting on new safety tips & other shit, so they can lecture us. It was just another stupid not thinking what he was doing with his rifle. My rifle team was supposed to go to some sort of competition in texas in January, but nooo. So they haulted our rifle team & sent all of us to either Raider team or Drill Team. Raider team was filled up so now im in stupid drill team.
Includes Midwestern states except texas & exception of others. So all tournaments are cancelled. So until further notice, sorry people.