
Legalize it or not

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Personally I think we should also try to phase out the cigarette... so obviously Marijuana is absolutely a total no no.
My opinion on the matter isn't listed. I believe that the world of "what is legal and what is not" needs to be more definite. Should marajuana be legalized? This question doesn't truly address the underlying issue:

Should the law prohibit/allow drugs of anykind? Alcohol and Tobacco should fall under the same category as Marajuana, Cocaine, Amphetamines, Meth, LSD, etc. They are all drugs that, if used excessively, can severely damage a person's health and shorten their life. Government ought make the REAL decision - "Is it the responsibility of the government to enforce the prohibition of activities where an individual is likely to severely jeprodize their own health and life? Is it their obligation to save us from ourselves?" If the answer to that question is "Yes", then it follows that Tobacco and Alcohol should be legally banned as well. If the answer is "No", then all drugs that are currently illegal should be legalized.
godofthunder9010 said:
Oh, so smoking pot is what makes you a Democrat? Didn't know. It explains a lot.

i didnt say that, i said smoking pot tends to make people irrational and agree to about everything. But Democrats tend to be liberal hippies.
In my opinion it should be legalized. There are so many things that will destroy your body faster and more severely than pot. That's just my opinion.

PS - For the record, no i do not smoke pot ;)
It is illegal now, and it should stay that way forever...

Cannabis, Marijuhana etc.. can not be compared to alcohol and tobacco..

The effect when you have smoked it may not be much "worse" than alcohol, but it does affect you in many ways much longer (days).

I read an interesting report once about the effect of cannabis.

They (someone in the US) had tested it on pilots ( :shock: ) some years ago, and put them in a simulator.

Before they had smoked anything they landed on average just a few inches away from the centerline of the runway.
The hour after they had smoked it they landed up to 45 feet away from it (outside the runway).
But the biggest shock was 24 hours after they had smoked it, the average distance from the center line was up to 25 feet away!!

And it took another couple of days before the effects wore off, and they were back to normal landings.

I don't have a source for this right now, it was presented to us during a course about narcotics by the Police.
I'll see what I can dig up on the subject...

Didn't say that smoking pot was going to be a very good plan Red. I just think that if you're going to make it policy to Save People From Harming Themselves then there should be no half-assing it. Either you're allowed to be stupid and destroy yourself, or you're not. Like it or not, tobacco and alcohol are very very bad for you, especially in the quantities that most of their enthusiasts imbibe. My whole point is that the current state of things is hypocritical: If the culture has already accepted the harmful drug, its legal. If not its illegal. Some illegal drugs enhance physical performance (steroids), but they are illegal because of their far-reaching effects. Some illegal drugs will improve you in various other ways ... in the short term.
I don't know. I don't smoke and think it's unhealthy. Wouldn't want kids to get it at any store as if it was chewing gums though.
I don't care if marijuana is legal or not, cause I don't use it now and i will never use it even if might be legal some day.

Smoking pot is hippiecrap and I HATE HIPPIES! :biggun:
godofthunder9010 said:
Didn't say that smoking pot was going to be a very good plan Red. I just think that if you're going to make it policy to Save People From Harming Themselves then there should be no half-assing it. .

I don't really care if people drinks brake fluid or smokes their socks, as long as they are only harming themselves.. :)

But the point in my previous post was that you are more likely to harm others by using substances like Marijuhana (how the heck do you spell that.. :lol: ) and cannabis, than you are with tobacco and alcohol..
Redleg said:
But the point in my previous post was that you are more likely to harm others by using substances like Marijuhana (how the heck do you spell that.. :lol: ) and cannabis, than you are with tobacco and alcohol..
I agree 100% that people stupid enough to drive or do whatever else high, drunk or stoned ... Should not be allowed.
I can live with it either way. If all drugs were legalized, fine and well. If tobacco and alcohol were made illegal, that's fine too. I just think society and governments need to take one stand, not both sides like it is now.
I say, this is my topic i can have an opinon too, that we should legalize it and tax it. People now are getting it anyway and might end up getting somthing dangerous like having it laced with somthing. This way the government could make it so you know it would be good and fairly cheap
Hi all

I think it's all about the money...that's why alcohol and tobacco aren't illegal yet, because a lot of the countries have big taxes on them and rely on it to fill the budget.
I'm in favor of legalisation of it under tax, under some sort of quality check etc...making a business out of it.
A lot of young people I know go to school trips to the Netherlands just because of the coffee shops...