The BMI scale is useless. I know great athletes who would be obese if put on it. It cant tell the difference between 250 lbs of muscle and 250 lbs of fat. Our whole defensive line would be considered obese on that scale, and in reality they are studs. Don't let a scale tell you that you are fat. If you are, you know you are.
I live in Texas, and in America it has the fattest cities in the whole USA. We just started 2 a day football practice Monday, and 90 percent of our team is in great shape, the others are mildly overweight, and only about 5 guys on the whole squad (175 football players at my school) Fish, JV, and Varsity are obese. I'm havent put these guys on a scale and done calculation, but its obvious that they are. I dont know about any other people, but I think thats pretty healthy for a whole bunch of kids. Then again I am talking about athletes, it would probably be different percents if I compared non-athletes.
I havent been obese, but I have been fat. Freshman year I was about 5'11 215 lbs, now on my Junior year I'm 6'2 180 lbs. It was horrible when I was fat, getting a girl friend was like mission impossible. Now that I'm in shape again its great. Plus I can eat whatever I want (within reason), and not gain weight. Once you get skinny I think its easy to stay there. :cowb: