That's what the UN is now. A place where criminal regimes can flex muscle.
Any proof for this statement? Or, if we do not take you totally serious for understanding this was a rhetoric remark, indications for the suspicion that it is so?
(sarcasm) Has anything changed lately in the UN and its setup/debilities that I was not aware of? (/sarcasm)
I seriously strive to take any- and everybody and any- and everything seriously here, but you make it difficult - not for the first time from my POV - with your manner to express yourself:
What is your problem with voicing your feelings/thoughts as an *opinion* instead stating a - perceived from your POV - *fact* (in this case: "That's what the UN
appears to be now" would make your point much more cleary and even discutable; as you do state it as a fact, the mere act of just responding to you without consenting
automatically puts your contester into the shoes of an insultant, and I am not sure you want to convey that answering your opinon means insult?...).
This said:
Iran is now
the super power in the middle east, contesting the status with Israel that is on the same level more or less.
The guy does the same that the former US president did for years,
voicing unacceptable stuff in front of intl audience (though some - like US and Germany and others - were clever enough not even to attend and so not to have to the respond to the insults directly on a state level), just because he feels he can (looking forward to see some Iranian Obama to emerge!?).
You hailed it then (GWB), what is the prob now? Oh, he has no MC? Check out some data on Iranian forces, they really rule together with Israel over there, just that Israel went nuclear earlier and has massive US INTEL help...
Ahmadinejad insults, from my POV (and like Rob - and JFDR - I am also well pissed off with Iran and its stance, the same I was with the GWB administration in their time) are on the same level, ignoring intl law and UN consensus, making ridicule of and offening personaly the representant of the highest coercive and legal reference we have on this planet and additionally offending other millions of ppl (whether they are d´accord with Israel or not).
OTOH, same as GWB, he is not as stupid as not to seed his speech with some hardcore right-on-spot facts, for his home audience... (sounds familiar?)
Self Defined Super Powers tend to get carried away, to the disgrace of all...
Subjects of such states or ppl that listen too much to main stream media as well.
My 2 c,