I'm from China,The mainland of China~~~

LOL, we have several others from the PRC here. Welcome BTW. Looks like you accidentally posted the topic twice, so you need to delete one.
It's always good when someone from China signs up cause it realy helps us understand what is going on over there. Welcome to the Forums.
ya, Welcome man, enjoy the forum, its pretty fun and you learn all about the great miliatry knowledge of the world, have a good time and remember, be agressive :rambo:
Hoho,Thanks ,"be agressive" what does this mean?

Everybody here r very very sexy!haha
Trevor said:
Welcome. Mainland china? Is there an island china?

Island of Hainan is actually part of China, but when a Chinese uses the trmo mainland China he's referring to it as opposite to Taiwan.
They still consider Taiwan part of the country.
It's a civil war, so i think Taiwan is still part of China.
Do some research on history of China PLEASE.
There are other threads on this, we can't go off topic.
Generally, the world does not recognize the right of China to annexe Taiwan.
We tend to view them as two separate nations.