How many here are still active duty?


Active member
Curious to see the make up of the board.

How many are still active or reserve?

Rank and branch would be nice.

I will start

Air Force Reserve

Lt. Colonel
Oh c'mon now, I mean, with this site, you gotta be the most well connected 1st Lt. Norway's ever scene. And thats not just me sucking up ;)
Redleg said:
Not in Norway..
We climb up all the way from Private.. :)

Yes, the US let's you jump right into the brass. Imagine my disappointment when I found out I could have started as a 2Lt. instead of a PVT. and still made O-6. :lol:
RnderSafe said:
Yes, the US let's you jump right into the brass. Imagine my disappointment when I found out I could have started as a 2Lt. instead of a PVT. and still made O-6. :lol:

So you could have been at least an O-12 today if you had jumped right to O-1 from the beginning?? 8)

We need at least one year at a sergeant school and one year as a sergeant to reach 2Lt. (18 years min to attend Sgt. school)
And several have also served one year as a private before they apply to the school.
You can't compare a Norwegian sergeant to an American one.
When you're a sergeant here you're still under education, and after one year as a sgt you automatically become 2Lt.
5 years as a 2Lt makes you a 1Lt, and 5-14 years a 1Lt before you reach Capt..

This is my 3rd years as a 1Lt, so i have to wait at least 2 years before I can be promoted to Capt..

So we have to climb the ranks here, you can't get promoted faster..
(but you can serve temporary on rank higher than your real one for one year at the time if the job your doing demands that rank. example: Platoon commander 1Lt, Company Commander Capt etc..)
I am just a plain citizen, but this maybe interesting:

Brother of my Grand father: General in KMT army (Nationalist Army, lost cival war against communist troops, fled to Taiwan).

Father in Law: Brigadier General in PLA (retired).

Brother in Law: Colonel in PLA
Army National Guard
Lieutenant Colonel, Field Artillery

Lots of active time lately including one year in San Antonio with Fifth Army HQ
Well, I don't know if this counts or not but here goes.

I am currently in the Delayed Entry Program, my pay rank is E-1, that will be E-3 by the time I go to OSUT in Fort Benning, I can get that promotion by either doing the physical test (42 Pushups, 57 Situps, each in 2 minutes, and running two miles in I believe 14:17 for me) or by just getting someone else to join, either one will be quite easy and I will probably do both. So by the time I get through OSUT I should be E-3 and on my way to Italy.