How big is your Squadron/Company/Regiment/Corps?


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How big is your Squadron/Company/Regiment/Corps? My squadron currently has 120 cadets in total with 18 CIC officers (Adult Staff). We have four flights of approx 30 cadets in each, with a colour party and a band.
well i have a battalion there are 3 companies 8 platoons in total 2 plattons in headquarters comapny 3 platoons in alfa company and 3 platoons in bravo company im in alfa there are 30 to 35 cadets in each platoon so i have about 95 to 110 cadets in my company
About 50 on paper strength. 4 divisions regular training nights:

Griffon(me): 13 cadets
Hunter: 15 cadets
Star: 14 cadets
Prevost: 12 cadets

+ 6 or 7 staff cadets who do nothing and 9 or 10 officers (CIC)

On a Ceremonial Division night we have 18 ppl in the band and everyone else in one mass division. That happens once a month

81 Cadets in the Squadron

3 flights I believe.


350 Cadets in the wing

2 groups

4 squadrons

16 flights (A-P)
Trevor said:
45 in the FLIGHT?? maybe your squadron should add another flight.

unfortunately the school that hosts our Squadron only has 6 class hours and the sixth is a conference hour for the instructors... there are already 5 flights.

I had to resist telling them that we have a full squadron in one flight. Although it'd be fun to have AK-033 and AK-something in the same school.
# of cadets

We have 134 cadets in our unit. We have one company, four platoons, and a staff formation. Of these 134, there are 15 senior staff (co, xo, ops, spo, etc...). It's a pretty small unit, but we keep ourselves very busy!
We have 480 cadtes in corps

7 battalion staff memebrs

1 battalion commander c/Col
c/1 Cmd Sgt Maj.
c/5 Cpt's in Staff
(all in junior college except the Sgt Maj.)

6 Companies
Alpha(all junior college cadets)
Bravo(12-11 grade)
Charlie(10-9)<- hoo-ah. My company.
Head Quarters(HQ)(in chorus or band)
Tango(all female cadets 9th - junior college)

All Cadre(all CO's, 1st Sgts, XO's,PL's)Cadets must be in junior college & hav been to basic training to have these Ranks/positions.

Training NCO's & Platoon Sergeant are open to high schoolers.

E-7'S & Above can drop/PT Cadets.

Before your a Private E-2 rifleman you must go through R.A.T. training.
RAT- recruit at training.

You have no rank, You ask "Sergeant/Sir Highspeed low drag hardcore(charlie)company rat"your name"permission to speak/to get 2nds/to take hand.

you have to ask like that to do stuff.

You walk a ratline around campus witch takes forever.

You have to sit at the edge of your seat when you eat & square your meals & look straight ahead at the person across from you, & if you laugh you hold hands together.

All you drink is water & powerade, no soda or desert until you pass a test called "your hat brass test". witch you have to be physically & mentallyu ready for. Askign you questions dating back from different wars & quotes to pushups & remmembering Cadences.

when you get your hat brass you get to eat deserts & water but you still sit like a rat but u can ask "Sergeant permission to speak..sergeant permission to get 2nds". instead of the extra stuff.

& you must stay for a whole semester before you can get ur oldboy, when you sit like a normal person & you have the rank of E-2. Unless your highspeed you can get it sooner.

& If your a rat put at the position of Squadleader you would get e-5 sergeant & assistant squad leaders e-4 corporal.

I would like to talk about more about my school, on how physically & mentally stuff it is(hazing,fighting,PTing,etc...) but im not here to entertain or have enough time to explain.
Really small...

This is my first post, so sorry. But it seems to me that all of these units are incredibly small. My unit consists of over 700 cadets (no kidding). We have 4 LDC Battalions. Each battalion is broken down into two Companies. Eacho company has two platoons. Platoons consists of about 25 cadets. Then there is Battalion staff and their assistants which adds to a total of about 110 cadets per battalion. Then we have 3 AJROTC battalions consisting of about 120 cadets per battalion. Bad counting on my part, in total I'd say my unit consists of about...820 personnel total. That's including all the instructors and such. Our District SAI is curently MG Bailey II.
Re: Really small...

CBHSRaiderCadet said:
This is my first post, so sorry. But it seems to me that all of these units are incredibly small. My unit consists of over 700 cadets (no kidding). We have 4 LDC Battalions. Each battalion is broken down into two Companies. Eacho company has two platoons. Platoons consists of about 25 cadets. Then there is Battalion staff and their assistants which adds to a total of about 110 cadets per battalion. Then we have 3 AJROTC battalions consisting of about 120 cadets per battalion. Bad counting on my part, in total I'd say my unit consists of about...820 personnel total. That's including all the instructors and such. Our District SAI is curently MG Bailey II.

it depends what kind of cadets you're in. Up here in Canada units get split up after they have more than about 120 members, so no corps/sqns/battalions have the ability to get to a unit strength of 700+
Re: Really small...

CBHSRaiderCadet said:
This is my first post, so sorry. But it seems to me that all of these units are incredibly small. My unit consists of over 700 cadets (no kidding). We have 4 LDC Battalions. Each battalion is broken down into two Companies. Eacho company has two platoons. Platoons consists of about 25 cadets. Then there is Battalion staff and their assistants which adds to a total of about 110 cadets per battalion. Then we have 3 AJROTC battalions consisting of about 120 cadets per battalion. Bad counting on my part, in total I'd say my unit consists of about...820 personnel total. That's including all the instructors and such. Our District SAI is curently MG Bailey II.

No kidding your unit has 700kids, you're JROTC. So your whole high school is your unit. And like Pinmp_squeak said, Canadian cadet units bigger than about 120 cadets are split up into a wing or battalion.
we have close to about 100 cadets in my MCJROTC, we lost about 30 freshman at the end of first semester, they got their pe credits for the year, but theyll be back next year... :roll:
I feel jipped. When I left my sqn, we only had about 15 or so cadets, enough to keep us on the books for another year. We had 3 Officers and one CI, (civvie Instructor, who used to be a cadet himself.)
Now I found out that they could be shutting down the sqn, I love that sqn. If anyone has any pull in the DND please tell them not to shut down #624 Tisdale, it really is a great sqn
There are 142 cadets in my AJROTC, broken up into 3 companies plus HQ. A Co has 60 cadets, B Co has 48, and C Co (which I'm 1sg of :D ) has 34. A Co and B Co both have 3 Platoons, broken down in to 3 squads. C Co, is our afterschool program for kids who can't fit JROTC into their schedule, we're just one big platoon with 3 squads. We lose a LOT of kids through the years. The current LET 1 class has 78, we've only got 7 LET 4s. So it's a bit uneven, it's all good though. We actually just gave a briefing to some inspectors from Scranton University today, so a lot of info is fresh in my mind. Currently we've got 7 Let 4s, 18 Let 3s, 39 Let 2s, and 78 Let 1s. So the LET sizes pretty much get cut in half each year. We've got an LTC and 1SG running the battalion as our SAI and AI respectively, but we're really supposed to have a 3rd person help run it.
about ~620 cadets in the brigade, divided into 3 battalions and 8 companys.
all freshman our nothing, max rank cpl. sophmores can get up to Ssg, about 1/4 are ASLs. juniors can get up to MSG. max position is squad leader about 1/5 our. seniors the rest of the position, they get up to COL(10), and 6 LTCs.
We have 123 cadets in my MCJROTC. We have one battalion, two companies, and 5 platoons.
CBHSRaider- That is an amazing number of cadets! I probably have about 700-900 kids in my school.
My SMI has made the bet with us that if we can get 150 cadets for next year then he will wear a pink tutu to school with fishnet stockings a white muscle tank and combat boots!
Im in CAP and its not very big about 10 seniors come(regularly) maybe 12 cadetss so we dont have the largest squadron ever.