We have 480 cadtes in corps
7 battalion staff memebrs
1 battalion commander c/Col
c/1 Cmd Sgt Maj.
c/5 Cpt's in Staff
(all in junior college except the Sgt Maj.)
6 Companies
Alpha(all junior college cadets)
Bravo(12-11 grade)
Charlie(10-9)<- hoo-ah. My company.
Head Quarters(HQ)(in chorus or band)
Tango(all female cadets 9th - junior college)
All Cadre(all CO's, 1st Sgts, XO's,PL's)Cadets must be in junior college & hav been to basic training to have these Ranks/positions.
Training NCO's & Platoon Sergeant are open to high schoolers.
E-7'S & Above can drop/PT Cadets.
Before your a Private E-2 rifleman you must go through R.A.T. training.
RAT- recruit at training.
You have no rank, You ask "Sergeant/Sir Highspeed low drag hardcore(charlie)company rat"your name"permission to speak/to get 2nds/to take hand.
you have to ask like that to do stuff.
You walk a ratline around campus witch takes forever.
You have to sit at the edge of your seat when you eat & square your meals & look straight ahead at the person across from you, & if you laugh you hold hands together.
All you drink is water & powerade, no soda or desert until you pass a test called "your hat brass test". witch you have to be physically & mentallyu ready for. Askign you questions dating back from different wars & quotes to pushups & remmembering Cadences.
when you get your hat brass you get to eat deserts & water but you still sit like a rat but u can ask "Sergeant permission to speak..sergeant permission to get 2nds". instead of the extra stuff.
& you must stay for a whole semester before you can get ur oldboy, when you sit like a normal person & you have the rank of E-2. Unless your highspeed you can get it sooner.
& If your a rat put at the position of Squadleader you would get e-5 sergeant & assistant squad leaders e-4 corporal.
I would like to talk about more about my school, on how physically & mentally stuff it is(hazing,fighting,PTing,etc...) but im not here to entertain or have enough time to explain.